US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Oh this old chestnut. Racism and fringe groups like the KKK were around long before Trump and will be around long after he leaves. They are best ignored, there’s not many of them.

He has stirred up a lot of anti-immigrant rhetoric which is dangerous in a country like America where everyone is an immigrant or not too far removed. Apart from that he’s created some mild diplomatic incidents by his lack of intelligence and need to be seen as the alpha male. I can’t comment much more because I don’t really care what happens in that country unless it really starts to affect the people I care about. I think the danger in him is what he is capable of considering the fact that he is a spoiled little rich kid who has everything handed to him on a plate and who seems to be of average to below average intelligence which is not a good thing being the most powerful man in the world.

Are you being remotely serious. The majority of people are as thick as shit, and social media has accelerated the trend. I would estimate the number of people in the 20 - 30 age bracket capable of rational thought to be around 10%.
Don’t tell me it’s any different in Ireland.

No one claims they went away you dunce, but Trump ignited a self righteousness in them with his campaign. He gave their sick beliefs a renewed oxygen supply and confidence to renew a public showing.

They are creepy disgusting cunts who look at their President as a shining light.

Yes, but he has limited powers and can do very little without congressional approval.

Have you got anything to back that statement up with?

Those cunts were always there you simpleton.

I know they were you ape. Were they as clearly visible during Obama’s Presidency? Like fuck they were.

There’s still only a few thousand of them in a country of 323 million. I would bet there are more people in Ireland, such as yourself, who hate travelers, than there in America who hate blacks. Less of your self righteousness, you have displayed atrocious bigotry and hate towards Ireland’s minority race here, you racist prick.

Have I?

Was that confederate statue removed during Obamas presidency?

No it wasnt…[quote=“carryharry, post:1495, topic:10941, full:true”]
I know they were you ape. Were they as clearly visible during Obama’s Presidency? Like fuck they were.

Are you going to finish making a point there?


That point is fairly obvious, kid.

I’ll give you 24hrs to think it over.

Trump has emboldened the far right and they are a big part of his core vote.

How the fuck can you “best ignore” a group that have just used a car to run over a woman? Bit late for that.

You sound you’ve just eaten the entire back catalogue of Niall Ferguson, the white supremacist’s pet historian.

It was a blanket ban until the White House staff cleaned up the mess his brain fart had caused.

Your insinuation that these Nazi cunts are only kicking up under Trumps presidency is ignorant scutter even for you.

Their confederate statue being taken down is the issue, if it happened under Obama’s presidency the same shit would be occuring you dimwit.

@Carryharry trying to score points while licking arse without knowing the full story is very unusual :grin:

I told you that you could have 24hrs to think this one through. Twice you have missed the point now.

“I keep my distance from the cunts & rarely have interaction with them which suits me fine.”

From the traveler thread. If I said that about black people what would be the reaction? I live in a neighborhood with black people (and many other races), I have worked for a black boss and have had numerous black people work for me, I have black friends, I love many aspects of black culture (well, maybe not as much as @Turenne), and I’m the racist one?