Again, why on earth would I have a problem with the worldview of people whose worldview broadly aligns with mine?
This was one of your “points”, remember. It’s a very strange one indeed.
The kernel of all this is about what reality is and the ability to decipher reality. It’s a shame the “debate” in the US has reached such a stage but that’s the way it is now.
The Republican party has long since passed the point where any reading of its policy agenda and those of its backers, and the topics they use to manipulate and motivate their easily suckered base could be said by any sane person to be in any way to the benefit of society or in touch with the reality of the world we live in.
Its policies on climate change being the most obvious example of such but throughout its policy agenda pretty much everything is focussed on how to benefit big business as much as possible and how to smash any concept of a welfare state.
The terms “freedom”, “democracy” and “debate” have indeed been hijacked, and in the US it’s quite obvious who the primary culprit is - the Republican party and its shameless backers both private and in the media.
There are or were regulations governing media ownership, bias and political donations. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to destroy these - Reagan destroyed the fairness doctrine which enabled much of the US media to become “conservative” infotainment. I use the word “conservative” in inverted commas because US “conservatives” tend in reality to not be conservative at all but anarcho-capitalists. Using the most basic definition of the word “conservative”, ie. to conserve, man-made climate change and the health of the population at large should be conservative issues, yet US “conservatives” tend to be obsessed with railing against any measures which would conserve the climate or people’s health.
I don’t have a problem with people who have a lot of money using it privately to advance progressive causes which actually do promote freedom, democracy and tolerance, as Soros and the likes of Chuck Feeney do.
How he got that money in the first place is another matter, but that’s a different debate to this one.
I have a problem with people who promote fundamentally anti-reality views and use their money to advance them, I have a problem with anybody who uses any sort of a platform to promote fundamentally anti-reality views.
Al Gore is dead right - US “conservatism” is engaged on a war on reason and it has successfully cultivated a very large cohort of people who are willing to believe any old nonsense simply because their “side” promotes it. And clearly some people who live in Ireland are happy to consider themselves part of that cohort.