US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

So, the article claims that separation of families under the Obama administration was rare, but according to Homeland Security the Obama administration “did not count the number of families separated at the border”.

Sounds a bit like the way civilian casualties in the ME were handled under Obama, if we don’t count them they never happened. Civilian casualties were rare as all males killed between the ages of 18 and 65 were defined as terrorists, good way to keep the numbers down.

You are so naive.

I’m the most cynical bastard around, mate.

An official government policy of separating kids from their families and throwing them in cages you say?
uh, uh … OBAMA!!!

I was responding to this…

I was just pointing out that the democrats did some equally distasteful shit at the border. Were racist white supremacist responsible then! Maybe Obama was suffering from internalized oppression. Trump is a handy bogeyman to blame and has pushed things to extremes but this shit has been escalating for years.

They didn’t

They didn’t put kids in cages ?

You obviously didn’t read my link. Figures.

Of course they did, and members of Obama’s administration recently made a show of themselves trying to pin photos from 2014 on the Trump’s administration. Democrats are spineless hypocrites on this issue.

Another batshit rant incoming from you know who…he’s been banging away for the last 15 minutes.

You’re making a show of yourself here.

You’ve been caught out on basic facts and your pathetic attempts to propagandise and spin can’t save you.

You’re wrong, you know you’re wrong, everybody else knows you’re wrong, stop digging the hole deeper for yourself.

Try and disengage your lefty headbanger brain mate and attempt to think rationally.

Kids were being held in detention centers (cages as they are being referred to) under the Obama administration. Stop denying it, even the Obama administration clowns have admitted it. They justified it based on the overwhelming numbers of illegals crossing the border in 2014. Well, the numbers have gone up significantly since 2014 and you now have an administration who are more serious about upholding the law.

Answer the question, what should be done about the 600,000 people crossing the US southern border illigally every year? Should the US just get rid of the border?

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From your link…

“So we haven’t seen children separated from their parents on anything near this scale before.”

"The Obama administration’s immigration policy was not without controversy, to be sure.

In 2014, amid an influx of asylum seekers from Central America, the administration established large family detention centers to hold parents and children — potentially indefinitely — as a means of deterring other asylees."

So aside from locking lone kids in cages (which definitely happened but the article doesnt mention ) they locked entire families in them.

Look I don’t like what trump is doing but as your article even admits while it wasn’t policy it did happen. They just cant provide any data conveniently.

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Maybe they should send down your buddies from the NRA or the KKK to shoot them?

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Dumb rating. Stupid polack cunt.

Fascist is rattled

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You’re the one living among fascists mate, eastern Europeans are the most racist cunts on the planet.
I live in the most diverse tolerant location on the planet.

What time is David Duke coming over for the barbecue next weekend?
