US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

I really think people need to detach themselves from the daily Trump news cycle. We have absolutely no influence over what shit he spouses & what evil tyrants, fascists & fascist cheerleaders like Netanyahu, @Horsebox & Putin do to cosy up to him.

I couldnā€™t even influence my life partnerā€™s general election vote. I tried to tell her sheā€™d regret giving Barry Heneghan a relatively high preference but she did her own thing.

One of the lads said he comes from a family of notorious grifters & pains in the hole & heā€™s no different at all. Who? Ah just @Fagan_ODowd. Whoā€™s that? One of the lads on TFK. Really? Your little online menā€™s shed? Eh thereā€™s at least one female & possibly even two posting on it semi-regularly. But how can you vouch for what this fella says? I think Barry Heneghan comes across well in his updates & videos. Fineā€¦just said Iā€™d say it because Fagan is generally clued in & Iā€™d take on board what he says. Have you ever met him? No, but it doesnā€™t mean heā€™s wrong. This is just ridiculous, lā€™ll make up my own mind. Grand so.


Sounds like she did her own research.

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Jesus even this lad is upset by it. Not sure what he expected.

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The forum should be distancing itself from trump alright and any of his supporters on here.

Online menā€™s shed

That deserves a wider audience. (Of course we donā€™t know if bando made it up himself)


You could do no more really.

Mens sheds are clearly populated by weirdos.


I canā€™t work out whats worse- biden bombing the shite out of gaza while resembling a kindly grandpa, or the don organising a ceasefire and shit talking, while not looking like a kindly grandpa


Some real person called us an Online Mens Shed,that pretty bad.

At least it wasnā€™t a pro assad mens shed

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Set up by weirdos. Eg rocko and bando

Freudian slip from the lad wracked by his marital statusā€¦ while illustrating why she is waryā€¦online menā€™s shed!

So thatā€™s where all my ā€˜likesā€™ have been coming from

Bando, Iā€™m happy to meet this lady in person before the next general election to allay any doubts she may have as to my bona fides or acumen, if you think that might help.


Thatā€™s a very kind offer & one which Iā€™ll be sure to put to her.


TFK self styled Mensa heads will be seething

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The lads fighting fascism from their bedroom through an obscure irish forum have been totally dismissed.


Oooofffft on us all indeed. Accurate enough to be fair


I often attribute learnings on TFK to ā€œone of the lads from work was telling me that ā€¦ā€


Menā€™s sheds , online or otherwise, are a sanctuary to evade batshit crazy women. We just replace them with batshit crazy men.