US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Biden appears to have basic decency. For this alone, if I had a vote, Iā€™d vote for him


Meanwhile Donald Trump


You two lads need to take a look at yourselves hereā€¦the only question to be asked is which instance is worse.

Youā€™re entitled to disagree but for me itā€™s the instance where somebody mocks a disability rather than the one where somebody empathises. But thatā€™s just me.

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You dont think it was staged?

In America? Good God no. Youā€™re a terrible cynic. Staged!!! FFS.

A novel twist on an old standard. At least joe remembered his lines.

Some lads making a holy show of themselves here

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You dope

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Not like you to be so glib

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Why would Trump stage himself mocking a disabled journalist?


Ok so

I see Trump brokered another peace deal today

Watching a trump rally here live on YouTube from the panhandle in florida. Fascinating stuff.


Did Giuliani believe she was 15?

Of course not, sheā€™s 24 and looked older, and she suggested going into the bedroom so it was a setup. Giuliani is a notorious sleazebag but thereā€™s no evidence of anything nonconsensual, if there is then Cohen should release all the tapes, not the edited version.

President Trump has cast his vote in Palm Beach. Heā€™s running a a Floridian this time around. Florida the biggest state never to have produced a President. Another record to fall on Tuesday week?

Thereā€™s at least 10 states bigger than Florida that havenā€™t provided a president