US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

It’s the joint third biggest with New York in the electoral college with 29 electors. California, Texas and New York have all had multiple presidents.

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I took bigger to mean size.

It’s over lads Trumps 4 year reality TV show will soon be over

Polling this year has shown an increasing number of older people abandoning Trump, in part due to that brand of pandemic messaging. An October NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that trend accelerating: Trump was hemorrhaging support among registered senior voters, with 62 percent supporting Biden and only 35 percent supporting the president.

Trump won the senior vote by 7 points in 2016, so even a slight drop in support among older white voters, a cornerstone of his base, could have an enormous impact on the outcome of his re-election.

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Trump got 304 votes in the electoral college in 2016. He only needs to drop 35 to dip under the winning figure of 270. Its difficult to see him making any gains on 2016. There are seven states he carried in 2016 that he seems to be in real danger in and has trailed in the polls for a while - Arizona (11), Florida (29), Iowa (6), Michigan (16), North Carolina (15), Pennsylvania (20), Wisconsin (10). That’s 107 college votes.

Ohio (18) is tight but I’d fancy Trump to nick it and for all the talk of Texas and Georgia, don’t see them flipping.

Florida is the real bellwether. It’s only backed the loser twice since the 1920’s failing to back Kennedy in 1960 and Clinton in 1992. Its the I4 corridor around Orlando/Tampa that’s key there. Trump will dominate the North. The South (bar the Cubans) will go with Sleepy Joe. Likes of Orange County will be 55/45 either way.



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Good summation. There’s no obvious path to victory for him, Democrats are highly energized and there just aren’t the numbers of undecided voters like 2016 that could break to him.


In fairness what network would advertise a 15 YO reporter. Rudi is a sleezebag and scumbag, calling him a peodo might be a stretch unfair based on being caught rotten in the movie. Still the whole scene was awkward comedy gold

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It’s appropriate he’s only a parody now from probably the most popular politician in America after 9/11 to being basically a bag man and top sleaze merchant for the grifter in the White House


I was in NYC in 98 it was sleaze city, strip clubs peep shows counterfeit watches all over times Square. Was back ten years later was unrecognisable. Apparently rudi played a huge part in that.

True I’ll give him credit for that he’s a clown shoe now though


Indeeding he did.He cleaned NYC up good and proper.The only thing he’s ever done right.He got notions after 9/11.That was his downfall.Hes a crook and a sleazebag.

The main thing Joe has going for him is that he isn’t Hillary Clinton. If she hadn’t cockblocked him in 16 this shit show would have never got off the ground.

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In truth, his cleaning up of NYC was akin to winning the tidy town competition by taking all your rubbish and dumping it in the bordering parishes.
Borat 2 was funny in spots, but not that great overall.
The two lads he moved in with were top top lads.


If he went out of the public eye after being NY mayor he would be a national hero. He reduced crime in NY dramatically with policies that would not be acceptable now.

He thought he could walk on water and could solve anything . An utter egotist

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What’s this mate?