US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Hope Hicks is the new Melania

Wasnā€™t she always.

Trump is some operator. He has three or four of them on the go

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Iā€™m sold.

Whoever that photo in the plane is of, itā€™s not Melania. Itā€™s likely a Photoshop Iā€™d imagine.

Dingle chamber should give his people a call

Has Melania recovered from Covid ?

Yeah the teeth photo is an obvious photoshop

Itā€™s only 60 Minutes, they wonā€™t read it anyway


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Do you get a badge?

Poll just out in Georgia from Monmouth rated A+ by prediction site 538. Biden up 5 amongst registered voters and 4 in a high turnout model and 2 in a low turnout model. Trump in deep deep trouble with time running out.

Biden could do a Ronnie Reagan

Trump could do a Jimmy Carter

didnā€™t Trump get hammered in the polls in 2016?

No, the polls in the decisive states were close and within the margin of error in many cases. The main mistake pundits made was paying attention to national polls.

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