US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

He didnā€™t no. The margin of error was close.

Plus while Clinton was leading in most battlegrounds she was only about 46-47, Biden is pushing 50 and over with a lot less undecideds this time around, these broke heavily for Trump in 2016. Combined third party vote was 6% in 2016 I would expect only around 3% this time.

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Reagan won 44 of the 50 states in 1980 and 49 of the 50 in 1984. Walter Mondale only won his home state of Minnesota and DC.

It wonā€™t be a rout on that scale but Trump is heading for a heavy defeat, something akin to the last GOP incumbent to lose, Papa Bush, who lost heavily in 1992 by 370 to 168.

Thereā€™s 9, largely redneck states that have voted GOP every time since 1968, heā€™ll pick up all of those. South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas continuously GOP since 1980 and Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri and West Virginia all GOP since 2000. Indiana and Montana should be okay for him too. Thatā€™s 21 states nearly all in the lower reaches of the electoral college with 164 votes between them. After that heā€™ll start to struggle to pick up anything of the remaining 100 odd that he needs to get to 270 (or even the tie of 269 apiece which he would prevail in).

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Could he lose Texas

A one term president who did a decent enough job (even if the official narrative was it was a disaster) losing to a challenger in the early stages of senility?

Carter was a disaster. A weak man with a massive ego.


Heā€™ll always be remembered for those hostages though

The hostage crisis was a seismic out of the blue event that sunk Carter when he probably should have coasted to re-election in 1980. Much the same way as the Chinese bat flu has sunk Trump when he looked a shoo in at the start of 2020.


He would have still struggled as the economy wasnā€™t doing great and unemployment was relatively high (7.5%). Interestingly current sentiment in the US is that he was a good president by a 2:1 margin so history has been kind to him.

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I think peopleā€™s opinions of Carterā€™s presidency are clouded by their impressions of him as a person post-presidency, where heā€™s generally seen as a kind thoughtful human being known for his humanitarian work and helping others. I donā€™t think he was quite as loved when he was in the whitehouse.

The economy more than the hostage crisis did him in.

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Gasoline was rationed and queues were the norm for months in 1979/80. Thatā€™s the reason Carter was hammered primarily. Iran and Afghanistan falling just iced the cake for those pushing he was weak line.

Joe Biden will be sending some thank you card to the Chinese after next Tuesday

First heā€™ll have to find out what country they live in


Trump phoning it in here

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Bailed out by ā€˜one the most powerful men in Europeā€™

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Win or lose trump will go down in history, he certainly wonā€™t be forgotten. A serious character

If movies were still a thing theyā€™d knock some great one out of The Don

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Heā€™s the worst possible human being to be president of America but heā€™s a gas cunt. If he tones down the fascist rhetoric heā€™s huge craic

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Either he has set a certain standard for the world to be or we will look back in 20 years and ask wtf was that all about

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Or we will look back in 20 years and thank fuck for the Corona virus.

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