US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

This immigration stuff is complex, it’s easy to throw stones. Bad and all as they are, at least the US doesn’t have concentration camps.


It’s a no for me

You don’t have a Nobel prize?

No Olympic medal either.

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The only one who appears a shoe in for admission is @ChocolateMice with his stellar post graduate work on the ancient history of hurling.

He’d probably break in.


It’s fucking nuts. You can enter the States and take a middle class job no priblem. But if you want to be a janitor or a gardener no way. So your average working class American with a notion of becoming upwardly mobile will be kept out of a good job by a well qualified foreigner because this suits the tech giants and will be pushed into gardening or janitoring because they will be the only jobs available to them.

Nope mate, you have it backwards. There is no shortage of janitors, gardeners, etc. There is a massive shortage of skilled workers that a modern economy demands, especially in STEM, mainly due to the fact that many American kids are lazy spoiled brats who want everything handed to them on a plate. There are zero barriers to upward mobility in the US if one has the ambition, education up to graduate level is effectively free, and companies are bending over backwards to hire minorities. There is absolutely no excuse for any working class American not to better themselves other than lack of ambition and in some cases cultures where education is scoffed at.

You obviously learned nothing during your recent visit.

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I learned loads. They should be pumping cash into educating working class kids. Instead of hobbling them with student debt if they gave a bit of ambition.

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Nonsense. The US spends far more than any other country on education, in particular in disadvantaged areas. Anyone from a disadvantaged or low income area is guaranteed a free ride through third level, assuming they get the required grades in high school. The kids who have been and are taking out student loans are not from working class or poor backgrounds, they are middle class and a great majority of them are doing useless shit degrees that nobody needs in today’s economy. They are more interested in the college experience (drinking and riding) than getting an education.

Taking out a student loan to do something useful like STEM, medicine, Computer Science, etc. is smart as they will have no problem paying it back as their salaries will be high. The cunts who are fucked are those that spent a fortune getting a degree in some useless shit that has no demand and end up working in the service industry.

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Why is not working then? Why is the disparity between rich and poor growing?

That’s a much bigger question. Corporatism fueled by corrupt politicians.
The basic point though is there is a large shortage of skilled workers, and American kids are not filling them. The easiest way to bridge the income gap at the individual level is to attain an education in a subject area where there is demand.

What about apprenticeships?

Yes , how does a lad become a plumber , electrician or a carpenter in US ?

The program’s exist but are sadly underutilized. When you compare to western Eurooe the numbers are shocking. Basically kids want to attend college as this is promoted as the way to succeed, and apprenticeships viewed as “manual labor”, never mind the fact that plumbers, electricians, mechanics, etc. earn far more than your average college graduate.

The government is hugely to blame as they perpetuate this myth that everyone needs a 4 year degree. Another factor is a young generation that are work shy, literally every contractor I’ve talked to says it’s impossible to get anyone to work for them and when they do find someone they only last a few weeks.

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And here is why Trump is President.

Mayor Signer is spot on.

This really is a tremendous Twitter thread.

Actual large adult goats have considerably more intellect than most people who identify with “American conservatism”.

Nobody is trying to legislate away their right to marry.
Nobody is trying to make them buy insurance to pay for ‘male health care.’

The law never

Enslaved their great-grandparents
Robbed their grandparents
Imprisoned their parents
Shot them when unarmed

There is no massive effort at the state and local level to disenfranchise them of the vote.

There is no history of centuries of bad science devoted to ‘proving’ their intellectual inferiority.

There is no travel ban on them because of their religion.
There is no danger for them when they carry dangerous weaponry publicly.

Their churches were never burned.
Their lawns never decorated with burning crosses
Their ancestors never hung from trees

Their mothers aren’t being torn away by ICE troopers and sent away forever. They won’t be forced to leave the only country they ever knew.

The president has not set up a hotline to report crime committed at their hands.

They are chanting ‘we will not be replaced.’

Replaced as … what?

I’ll tell you.

Replaced as the only voice in public discussions.
Replaced as the only bodies in the public arena.
Replaced as the only life that matters.

THIS is ‘white people’ oppression:

We used to be the only voice. Now we hold the only microphone.

THIS is ‘white man’ oppression.

We face criticism now. We were free from it, because others feared the consequences.

THIS is ‘oppression’ of white Christians in this country.

Christmas used to be the only holiday acknowledged, now it’s not.

I would so love to see these people get all the oppression they insist they receive, just for a year. Just to see.

Give them a world where you ACTUALLY can’t say Christmas.

A world where the name “Geoff” on a resume puts it in the trash.

Give them a world where they suddenly get a 20% pay cut, and then 70 women every day tell them to smile more.

Give them a world where their polo shirt makes people nervous, so they’re kicked off the flight from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis.

Give them a world where they inherited nothing but a very real understanding of what oppression really fucking is.

Give them a world where if they pulled up on a campus with torches lit and started throwing hands, the cops would punch their eyes out.

Put THAT in your Tiki torches and light it, you sorry Nazi bitches.

Good morning, by the way, how is everybody.

If the antifa left wing fascists were non violent then the Mayor would have a point. Unfortunately they are extremely violent and have caused significant property damage and injuries in numerous locations across the US, with no backlash up to now. Both sides to blame for the violence here, unless one believes that left wing violence is OK.