US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

He has said in Interviews the before ( good while ago now ) that he was a Democrat in his views.

He is a Trump fan. Politics is a game to him. That makes him ultra dangerous.

I don’t think he’s dangerous at all. I think he’s a complete spoofer who hasn’t the first fucking idea what he’s doing and will achieve absolutely fucking nothing. America will just suffer in the meantime and in a few years, they’ll catch themselves on, think what the fuck were we thinking and elect the diametric opposite of him. Eight years after that, another fucking right wing loon will be in the white house.

A wonderful night of internetting by the boyos. So to sum up, bad people exist, some may be worse than others, but that not every hate mob is full of bad people, and not every peaceful protest is full of good people. Neo Nazism is good/bad, the Klan haven’t gone away and the American President found and lost a winery in a matter of minutes.

John Kelly is questioning his life decisions right about now

Redmond Bridge was torn down and replaced by Rice Bridge. The sizable Redmondite population of Waterford let it pass without holding a torchlit procession. There was an editorial in the Munster Express.


Actually there is a miltary barracks there still named after him

Life’s too short

The Native Americans need to start protesting every monument to every president erected now as well. #nostatuesforanyone


The statue to Rocky Balboa in Philadelphia is the one one should be left after this .

Another fucking immigrant.

He tortured chickens and abused the carcasses of dead animals, a disgrace that they ever put up a statue of him in the first place

You just need a little more Vitamin D fella. Try getting out of the basement for a few hours everyday.

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I want all statues of Malcolm X taken down he advocated segregation and was a black supremacist

You fucking coons don’t understand the white mans problems. Fuck you and your Obama. Its our time now bitch.

I haven’t lashed out once. You’ve lashed out in every single post you’ve made over the last day. I’ve been picking you off beautifully, which in fairness is pretty easy when faced with the ramblings of a lunatic.

You hate this.

Every single person in attendance was aware of what happened the night before, unless they were living on Mars. The rest of the world was aware.

Any person who attended any right-wing protest in Charlottesville over the weekend is tainted by association because it was quite clear any right-wing, anti-democratic protest was going to be a KKK Nazi rally.

Your lack of moral clarity is astounding.

Your head is surrounded by such a fog of rage that I’m surprised you can see your keyboard.

Yet you say Trump was “spot on”.

The only people who are saying Trump was “spot on” are the KKK Nazis.

You’re in some serious company - your choice.

Don’t complain when you get branded as a racist, because you’ve made it pretty clear what you are.

And racists really are tremendously uninteresting, unless, as I said before, one unwittingly becomes the subject of a thought experiment, as you now so clearly have.

That thought experiment is now over, and the results are in.

They’re not good for you.

Morning Sid.

Son of ?

Should be a programme on MSNBC.

@anon7035031 is obsessed with the concept of “private property”.

Slaves were so called “private property”.

Just as with the Irish land wars, one can make a pretty good assumption which side in the American civil war fits best with his beliefs.

Fucking PC nonsense, doing away with slavery.