US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap
Shocking stuff here tut tut tut

Oh yeah he’s fucked now

This one is for @anon7035031

Infowars is a mainstream GOP think tank these days.


Crooked Hillary has always been bizarrely popular with the Hispanics – over and above the Democrats natural advantage with them – and to make matters worse it now appears she’s tearing into one of the GOP’s most reliable Floridian constituencies, namely Fidel’s boys, or at least the younger generations among them. Overall it appears she has a sizable lead among FL Hispanics, which augurs badly – people maybe don’t realise that the Kennebunkport boys were winning amongst that group down in Florida in the 00s, in fact I think exit polling even suggested JEB was winning even if you left out the Cubans. It will take a lot of angry white property developers to make up the deficit for Mr Trump. Back about 10 years ago I would have described FL as a swing state that’s mildly more GOP than the nation on average, now I’d say it’s mildly above-average Democrat. The Hispanic factor means that Colorado and Nevada – are back-breakers for Mr Trump and the same is true of New Mexico, a State that the GOP might have had a sliver of hope of carrying in a tight election year.

Bottom line is to win overall he needs to carry one of Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin. This sums up his problem – none of those states have looked particularly tight this year. Wisconsin is a perennial ‘swing state’ yet always goes to the Democrat – I think Reagan was the last to carry it although Dubya came to within an ace of doing it in 2000. There’s also a Senate race ongoing where the Democrats seemed poised to oust the incumbent GOP with a bit to spare. Michigan is another that is theoretically in play every year but again realistically goes Democrat. Pennsylvania does tend to be tight though but it hasn’t gone to the GOP since 1988 and even that was tight I think. So truly Mr Trump is up against it, which will only make his victory next Tuesday all the sweeter.


The way things are going the GOP will never win another presidential election as the Democrats are sowing up all the big states like California Florida Pennsylvania Nevada. They will have to come up with some way of making the election null and void,enter the trump news network and Alex Jones. Civil war might not be far away.

Most importantly, Donald Trump is safe today following the drama last night in Reno.

Vote tampering is the only way she’ll get into the White House. Trump will sail this election very comfortably, believe me.

Comey has just now sent a letter to Congress apparently indicating their review of the newly discovered emails is over and the FBI have not changed their conclusions from July.
All over, Clinton to win big.

Trump could win the same as Brexit won, nobody saw that one coming

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Trump has Ohio.

As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.

And Florida

He can have them both, and he’ll still lose.

Hillary - certain to win… California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5)
total = 200

Hillary - very very likely to win … Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10)
Total = 68
200+68 =268

Donald - certs to win … Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3)
Total = 158
Donald - very very likely to win … Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Iowa (6), , Ohio (18), Utah (6)
Total = 57

Tossup/Battleground states
Florida (29), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15), Maine 2nd Congressional District (1)
Total = 55 up for grabs

Hillary has to win JUST ONE battleground state to get to 270, and the odds are strongly in her favor in NH and NV. Donald has to sweep the boards.

She will win NC which will put her over 300.

Fox have thrown in the towel

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Oh ye of little faith. Trump is as good as in. Very poor political insight on show here.

I think DJ will win Virginia myself. This isn’t over

The FBI giveth and the FBI taketh away