US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

How are you bearing up pal?

Sorry was watching the football, how did it go?
Will watch it later but early analysis indicates Hillary won as expected, but don’t forget Romney won round 1 against Obama. She would be foolish to declare victory.

I’m only messing mate. She’s not declaring victory of course, but from what I saw of it, it was a car crash for Trump.
What’s the story with the sniffling? Is it all the coke or is he about to die?

The consensus emerging is that he did nothing to harm himself, when everyone was expecting him to say something outrageous. He missed some big opportunities to go after her, maybe softening her up for the next round.

Tactical master class from Trump by all accounts. Playing rope a dope with Hillary as he knows the last debate is the only one that will actually affect voting.

I watched an hour of it. It was absolutely carnage. He just completely waffled. He looked in no way prepared whatsoever

I’d also be most surprised if HRC hasn’t saved the good shit for the latter debates as well

He was a joke. A bad joke

Started well, after 30 minutes he was poor. Didn’t lose it though.

Lolz, standard Fifzy and his mates, one can only dislike HRC as she is a woman. :joy:

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What would he have had to do to lose it?

Do you mean didn’t lose the debate or didn’t lose his cool? He most certainly lost the debate

Didn’t lose the election

That’s a rather optimistic way of looking at things, I’m not sure where you’re getting that consensus from.

No he hasn’t lost the election. Says it all that its in those terms you are measuring it

He has a punchers chance in the debates there are so many chunks in her armour. But lots of small digs won’t work for her she needs to pull something out of the bag to badly damage him to b memorable

I think he has no chance at all TBH. Think it’s unfathomable that when push comes to shove he will be elected. He’s an awful eejit

I’m starting to think this Election may be the Bilderberg Groups greatest triumph. Well that, and the Holocaust.


I don’t think his base really care about the debate in any normal sense. If Trump is proved wrong and loses the argument in 50 exchanges out of 50, they’ll still support him as long as he continues to act like an arrogant buffoon.

Will be interesting to see the trends in the polls over the next week. Trump will continue to be Trump, it’s all about Clinton’s performance in these debates. It’s a question of whether her experience and knowledge of the issues can overcome concerns about her being a ‘more of the same’’, staunch establishment figure.

Its all about Clinton’s appalling performance in just about every office she has ever held.

Trump didn’t blow himself up by the sounds of it. That’s enough to keep him alive for the time being. Two more debates to go.

His base doesn’t really matter though as you said they voting for him come hell or high water. It’s the undecideds they are shooting for here

Trump came across as an ignorant, sociopathic, bully and Clinton across as by far the more reasonable and indeed likeable candidate.

By far. Anybody who watched it cannot possibly come to any other conclusion.

The best advice to both canidates is “don’t be yourself”. Trump was himself and his real self is toxic.


Everyone knew this would be the case. The question is not what the media thinks it is what a small enough demographic of swing voters in swing states think. The key is to hit the sweet spot for these . Based on what I say , heard and read ( probably not enough) I would give it to HRC by a whisker.