US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I’ll deal with quotes from a reputable source, not the equivalent of Fox news.

You should really read the material before you post it. “Bush and his generals clearly expected that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty”. There was no reason for Obama to blindly and recklessly follow a timetable established under Bush, it’s Iraq we are talking about not China. Obama accelerated the withdrawal from Iraq to make good on his campaign promise, and given what happened subsequently with the growth of ISIS it was a disasterous decision, a decision only a JV president could make.

I don’t believe he will win, so won’t be wagering anything on that outcome. He had a good chance going in to the first debate, but was hopelessly unprepared and allowed Hillary dictate the debate while failing to stay on message. Pence has recovered a little bit of ground for him, but at this stage it would need a major new revelation on Hillary or another public falling down episode from her, both unlikely I would say.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE
Clinton (D)
Trump ÂŽ
RCP Average 9/26 - 10/5 – -- 48.1 44.2 Clinton +3.9
LA Times/USC Tracking 9/29 - 10/5 2489 LV 4.5 43 47 Trump +4
Economist/YouGov 10/1 - 10/3 911 RV 3.9 48 43 Clinton +5
Reuters/Ipsos 9/29 - 10/3 1239 LV 3.2 44 37 Clinton +7
CBS News 9/28 - 10/2 1217 LV 4.0 49 43 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 9/28 - 10/2 1213 LV 3.0 51 45 Clinton +6
NBC News/SM 9/26 - 10/2 26925 LV 1.0 50 44 Clinton +6
FOX News 9/27 - 9/29 911 LV 3.0 49 44 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 9/27 - 9/28 933 LV 3.2 49 45 Clinton +4
Gravis 9/27 - 9/27 3386 RV 1.7 50 50 Tie
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

The latest polls dont look good for tango boy.He needs a big win in the town hall.

Save yourself a lot of time and refer to the futures market.

Sean Hannity does not like criticism.

The Fox News host attacked coworker Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night for having the nerve to suggest that he lobs softball questions at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Speaking on her show, “The Kelly File,” she said:

“Donald Trump, with all due respect to my friend at 10 o’clock, will go on Hannity and pretty much only Hannity and will not venture out to the unsafe spaces these days, which doesn’t exactly expand the tent for either one of them. There. That’s my two cents.”
Hannity ― who has said he’s “not a journalist,” admitted he goes easier on Republicans and has been actively cheerleading for Trump ― didn’t take it well:

Sean Hannity :heavy_check_mark: @seanhannity
@megynkelly u should be mad at @HillaryClinton Clearly you support her. And @realDonaldTrump did talk to u. …
3:04 AM - 6 Oct 2016
Photo published for Megyn Kelly Slams Trump for Only Sitting Down With Hannity and Avoiding ‘Unsafe Spaces’
Megyn Kelly Slams Trump for Only Sitting Down With Hannity and Avoiding ‘Unsafe Spaces’
Megyn Kelly threw some shade at Sean Hannity after the debate last week, but tonight she took a far more direct shot at her colleague and fellow Fox primetime host.
4,485 4,485 Retweets 6,371 6,371 likes
Hannity also implied that his relationships with coworkers weren’t all that great. When someone suggested he stand by his colleague, he replied:

Sean Hannity :heavy_check_mark: @seanhannity
Sure. When they stand by me. …
3:24 AM - 6 Oct 2016
572 572 Retweets 1,938 1,938 likes

I cant wait till TANN {Trump Ailes News Network}hits the airwaves next year.Its gonna be off the chain.

It’ll be just TANN though. No blacks.

Or Jews

“America First”.

I was back in the US last week, I think I have decided who I am voting for.

Have you decided who you are going to vote for ?

**its gas to see guys who cannot vote spending hours everyday fighting with strangers over the Internet with respect to this election :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

American Idol is still going?

I will be standing with the people of Aleppo, who wish the US had never heard of their city or country, and voting for Johnson/Weld.

@anon7035031 “doesn’t support Trump”, remember. :laughing:

What’s a leppo ?

Acording to urban dictionary, a chronic fapper. Hence Gary Johnson’s confusion at being asked about wankers.

Anyone who thinks Trump won’t take a dump on Hillary right before the election is deluded. His best chance is to keep people away from the voting booth, and a lot of people are holding their noses voting for her already, never mind with more of a stench off her.

There’s a well known phrase “throw enough shit at a wall and some of it will stick”.

There’s also a less well known phrase “if you consistently act like a raving fool, people will stop listening to you”.

Also if you keep throwing shit at a wall, chances are you’ll end up covered in it yourself.