US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Uneducated oaf.

Sounded like something tinkerbell would do alright.

Dont forget that kaleigh mceanany one from cnn.


I flagged it just there, mate.

I thought you were my nggier?

Is/was it democracy though buddy. I don’t think it is. A quarter of the states voted him in. If Hilary had got in it would have been the same voting wise. The term democracy doesn’t exist there…hence Sid is not a denier

The USA is a representative democracy pal.

Are you back on the drugs you thick cunt?

No pal, the only drug I do is a bit of herb, which I don’t have tonight unfortunately. Some of your mates on here take drugs so stop making a show of yourself. you make yourself out to be a smart lad here but you are not very wise me thinks. Now go shove your thumb up your ass you misfortune.

3/5 of the states voted for Trump.

The USA has 50 states, not 5, pal.


Why in the name of fuck did you bring this thread up again. Can we all just let it die.

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My statement still stands as fact. Now let’s see if we can knock 2 or 3 days of debating out of it.

Again, mate, the USA has 50 states, not 5.

This is a rather embarrassing lack of knowledge on your part.

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You’re a bit shit at fractions Sid. This is primary school stuff.

This is literally lowest common denominator stuff from you, mate.


Touche :joy:

No, pal. Democracy is at stake