US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Gas cunts

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Is this still going on? The people have spoken.

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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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@Sidney wasn’t listening.

Mr Sulu nails it…

Not really.

The rules are the rules. All candidates are aware of them and campaign accordingly. That’s democracy.

It’s not a bollox tweet at all Tim, you’re only happy because your guy won. There is something inherently undemocratic about the electoral college system and it needs reforming.

No he doesn’t. You don’t seem to understand the American system for electing a President.

For your homework tonight, please review the American Electoral College system.

Once you understand that, please review the Proportional Representation system.

I understand the system well, I’m saying it’s a sham and undemocratic. I know you are too thick to digest that properly but I thought I’d tell you anyway.

Whinge whinge


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I’m not, and never have been, a HRC supporter.

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That’s the height of your debating skills alright.


No, not really. I would say 2000 was actually problematic from a “democracy” point of view and the GOP won.

The campaign would not have been fought on the same basis if it was a straight up popular vote. It just wouldn’t.

The rules were the electoral college and different STATES having their own rules. Everyone played by them.

Funny how this wasn’t such a big issue for the Dems four years ago when people were saying they had an unassailable gap over the GOP in the electoral college. Trump has maintained his opinion (which I disagree with) that it should be changed to the popular vote but democracy is accepting the result as given under the rules designed. It’s pretty hilarious that for all the “will Trump accept the result” pre election that we have so many people refusing to accept this one. Clear as day, on the rules they fought under, he won.

the people speaking is just democracy, but @Sidney and the likes of @sidney don’t acknowledge democracy

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People live the idea of democracy but not huge fans of democracy in action. Especially when it goes against them. That’s human nature I suppose

I reckon Mr Sulu should dry his eyes and fall in at this stage.

Such as?

A petition created on MoveOn to abolish the electoral college currently has 562,000 signature, only around 10,000 short of its goal.