US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

And? The republicans have the house, senate and presidency so why shouldn’t the judiciary reflect what the majority of the electorate think. If the positions were reversed the Dems would be putting in ultra liberals

And Sid’s reference to Scalia was perfectly reasonable, you bald, buck toothed cunt.

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A bald buck toothed cunt that’s just won the argument. With people like you around for the liberals it’s no wonder people voted trump

I find it ironic that the “legal eagles” around here usually make a beeline for the weakest, most cliched lines of debate.

There’s something seriously rotten in the way law is taught in this country if yourself and @Tim_Riggins are in any way representative of it.

Of course it could be, and probably is far more likely, that you’re both just thick, ignorant fuckers, although to be fair to Tim he can at least put a few sentences together in coherent fashion.

Jesus Christ that’s one seriously idiotic post even by your standards

Your authoritarian whining nearly makes me want to insert a :clap: after media reports of drunk drivers who cause fatal crashes getting lenient prison sentences, mate.

Sorry pal. You’re the only one one whining here. Go have a tubing and a spliff, it’ll help the rage

Tubing looks like great fun - thanks for the tip. I’m all over it.

That’s more like it. Enjoy

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I think you’ll find the “majority” of the electorate voted for the other candidate.

I think you need to read my post again. The majority voted Republican over the presidential, senate and congress elections.

Not so.

The Democrats got around 11 million more votes in the three elections combined.

I stand corrected. Jesus elections in America are ridiculous

Rep: 62,985,105
Dem: 65,853,625
Rep: 40,402,790
Dem: 51,496,682
Rep: 63,153,387
Dem: 61,776,218

Rep: 166,541,282
Dem: 179,126,515

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Thats gerrymandering for ye

Good post

As expected, it looks like the anti democracy protesters have given up protesting against President Trump.

Thanks for clearing that up for us pal.

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I documented this last summer
