US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap


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Awful what happened in Sweden the other night.

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Fake News Kills.

The Independent in the U.K. has decided to embrace the role as the premier screaming Mullally website over there. Embarrassing, used to be a decent left of centre newspaper, but it’s now worse than the Guardian.

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To be fair that is probably their best chance of getting a subscribing demographic .

Enda must be coaching trump on the story telling. :grinning:


And yet you can’t point out a single error in any of the stories linked from it. Instead, in typical Trumpbot fashion, you moan at its editorial stance, simply because you don’t like it. Prepare for four years of moaning about almost the entire media so. Take consolation in that you’ll always have the safe spaces of Breitbart, Infowars and the Sean Hannity show to retreat to, of course.

Interesting that you don’t consider a shameless liar of a president that constantly resorts to entirely fake news as “embarrassing”.

I guess, when you’ve gone all in backing that president, like you have, you’ll perform Olympic standard feats of mental gymnastics in order to deny reality.



In fairness, it has been in our interest to watch the left wing media become a mouthpiece for the Alt-Left.

They have succeeded in turning people away who may at one stage have considered for a left leaning political ideology.

It is a great time to be centre / centre-right :+1::us::ireland:

What are you on about lad?

I think he’s trying to claim that supporting the neo-Nazis of Pegida and the likes, as he does, constitutes the “centre”.

One can scarcely imagine what his version of “far right” looks like.

Any updates on what happened in Sweden the other night?

Trumpbot? I merely pointing out their embarrassing tone. For a newspaper with some standing, it’s pathetic.

For example, this one earlier.

It’s like a simpleton sub editors from has taken over. It is relentless from them, childish commentary on their pieces to get clicks.

I know they’re trying to appeal to earnest 20 somethings but have some self respect.

Where have I defended Breitbart? I’ve never even posted an article from there but once again your reflex is to just launch into some tirade about them.

Flake news.

Here Timothy.

What happened in Sweden?

You still can’t point out any errors from any of the stories linked.

Where do you stand on the relentless childish behaviour and lies from the simpleton that has taken over the US presidency? Does he have any self-respect?

I made a comment on the Independent newspaper as it came to mind, I wasn’t commenting on the story. The story isn’t exclusive to the Independent newspaper. Keep screaming though.


What happened in Sweden that the Fake News brigade are keeping from us all?

That Sid weirdo has been very angry for the past 1.5 years, at least.

He is running on desperation now, just so you know the class of individual you are dealing with :wink:

I think Donald got Sweden mixed up with Somalia. Easy enough mistake to make, in fairness.