US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Jill Stein will be a big factor in this race yet. If my American facebook friends are anything to go by the Berners are moving on mass to her, could split the Dem vote and leave Donald stroll in.

Sure Clinton is everything you’d want in a Republican


Kasich would have beaten Clinton (as likely would Rubio) and Sanders would have trounced Trump.

Wasserman Shultz had no to option but to resign and Clinton absolutely shouldn’t be taking her on board her campaign.

Clearly this type of stuff shouldn’t be going on and neither should the superdelegate system still be in operation in the selection process. At the same time there’s still pretty much no evidence that Sanders’ campaign was derailed by any of this and the reality is that Clinton won because she had a comfortable margin of popular support over him. While I’'d clearly prefer Sanders to be the candidate, Clinton is still far, far preferable to utter freak show that is Trump, who is a genuine threat to the lot of minorities in the US and a genuine threat to whatever sort of world stability is there at the moment. He makes Screaming Lord Sutch look like Clement Attlee and FDR put together.

I’m guessing you get your opinions and attitude from a mixture of the Daily Telegraph, Ian O’Doherty and the comments section of Breitbart.

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Trump will get destroyed by any decent debater (sadly), as he doesn’t really seem to quite know what he wants, other than to be El presidente.

Tim takes a lot of the crazy stuff he sees on social media seriously. Let him at it.


A great bit of stuff


A real woman.

Helluva woman, helluva speech.

Michelle knocked it out of the park, you’d believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

You are missing the point. Kasich and Sanders were two candidates, who many in the public knew little about, who were being put up against two behemoth in polls. Until they are actually put out there as candidates one on one, polls are a whole lotta meh.

Sanders, once the wider public were exposed to policies, is not electable in the US currently.

That’s reasonable, thanks for finally finding a source to get you out of this.

No idea who Ian O’Doherty is tbf. I read a whole range of publications from left and right. Most genuine conservative sources don’t really support Donald.

The GAA hasn’t a patch on these cunts when it comes to cliches.

America, America, brave men and women, freedom, America, America, country great again, freedom, God, America, America, god, brave men and women, freedom, America.


No, more than I want to remember.

You are correct, by an large the selection of the major party candidates is rigged, and the closed primary system is undemocratic. Probably a bit more democratic than the way party leaders are chosen in many countries though, as at least party members can vote and not just the party leadership. The candidate chosen by the party doesn’t always win, the Republicans definitely didn’t want Trump, but clearly the DNC got what they wanted, and did everything they could to get to that outcome.

Your last statement is just hyperbole. More undemocratic than North Korea? Saudi? Russia? China?

Yes. See George Bush campaigns for example.

OK, so a country where its population get to vote on every level of public office from mayor in a small town to the country’s president is less democratic than a dictatorship, autocracy or monarchy? Interesting logic.

There’s no point talking to you about this, you’re clearly indoctrinated

Americans have the illusion of democracy, it lets them feel good about themselves while the corporations run the show.


I agree with that, but that’s no different to any other western democracy. The large corporations and particularly the big banks / central banks dictate policy. It’s a complete abdication of responsibility by elected officials, who are only interested in staying in office, whether governing or in opposition.

Things are changing though, the Trump and Bernie movements are not illusions and reflect a lot of anti establishment anger.


Same as here so.

There are a few Western Democracies run for the people, to an extent at least, Nordic countries etc.
While that’s not the case here at least we have the option of change if we wanted it (proportional representation etc. ), but most people are happy with the status quo as much as they moan about it. The two party system in the states is completely setup to shun 3rd party candidates, the shit they have to do to even get on the ballot is unbelievable.

A lot of the more easily led lads thinking obama gave a good speech, primarily because the media told them it was a good speech :grinning:

she lost a lot of credibility when she said that Hillary was the one person qualified for the job :smiley::smiley:

I guess she considers hillarys involvement in the Middle East as successful :grinning: