US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Bring back self regulation.

You canā€™t be pro-market and be anti-business.

How predictable that the Ayn Rand of the forum would think that too much regulation, rather than too little, was the cause of the financial crisis.

How hypocritical that a ā€œlibertarianā€ is the one pushing for barriers to trade, banning a religion and railing against immigration.

Your economic philosophy would appear to combine the worst excesses of free market capitalism with the worst excesses of state totalitarianism.

What happened in 2008 was the best example of government interference causing a financial collapse. Artifically low interest rates drove the sub prime crisis, just like itā€™s currently driving the next collapse.

Itā€™s remarkable that in an ideology so driven by the rhetoric of personal responsibility, neoliberals so quickly pass the blame to others when their own rigged game collapses.


Iā€™m not arguing there should be no government, nor no government regulation. It should however be fairly applied. For example, there should be no such thing as too big to fail, as the primary duty of government is to protect its citizens. That includes economic threats. Ironically, the greatest economic threats come from governments themselves, artifical control of interest rates, currency manipulation, reckless borrowing to fund unsustainable programs. Global central bank intervention has destroyed capitalism, which for all its flaws is the best economic system we have.

Of course you can

No, but you can be pro-market and anti- crony capitalism, which is what pro-business has effectively become.

The rest of your post is simply ignorant bullshit which doesnā€™t warrant a response.

There are no markets without businesses, pal.

Perhaps this free market you people refer actually refers to markets free of businesses?


The US Government peverted the free market by sprinkling their legislative programmes all over the market. Instead of incentivising profit taking based on normal risk taking, they incentivised mortgage makers to back minorities in the housing market who didnā€™t have the appropriate credit worthiness.

Governments the world over, and Ireland being a huge player in this as well, interfere in the housing market like nothing else.

Smearing free marketers with the cosy alliance of corporatism and government handouts in the 2000s is classic lefty behaviour.

Sure, mate. Free markets always work and have never been known to fail. Perfect competition, perfect information for all consumers, the invisible hand and all that.

Unfortunately real life is not a utopian thought experiment.

Yes, the socialist utopian thought experiment worked ou so well :joy:

Yes, pal, it did.

The Nordic model is the most successful economic model in the world and its countries consistently rank among the highest in the world in pretty much any economic and human development criteria you can mention.

These are all countries which are derided as ā€œsocialistā€ by the likes of you.

The Nordic model is an utter demolition of any economic argument libertarian cultists like yourself can make.



More nonsense from you.

The Nordic countries are prosperous because they embraced free market ecnomics from 1870 to 1970, taking advantage of their rich resources. Since 1970 they have been battling the growth of government and welfare programs like the rest of Europe, but are doing a better job of managing it than most. The key to their success is honest and transparent government.

To call them socialist is completely inaccurate, they are a combination of left and right, social democrats would be most accurate.

Strong rumors out of Washington that the Republican leadership are trying to get Trump to take @Joe_Playerā€™s advice.

Trump is going publicly ask Davy to step down? :eek:


I thought Trump would settle down and become a little less controversial after his nomination. They way heā€™s been going on the last couple of days leads me to believe heā€™s doing the Farrage and Boris show and is now afraid of his shit he might actually win it

He has proven to be incapable of adapting to politics. Itā€™s a tough business, to be successful you have to be a consumate charlatan, which he is, but you also have to be able to stick to the script, which he canā€™t.

Stop with this utter nonsense. Government did not force the financial sector to create the endless credit derivatives that brought about the crash. If you say that, then what you are really saying is that given any environmental condition that government had some part in, the endless greed upon which the free market philosophy is based is never responsible, regardless of the destruction wreaked on society at large.

The financial crash exploded the neoclassical myth (and neoliberal philosophy) of self-correcting markets. They almost plunged the entire world into a depression of unfathomable depths. They may take us there yet. Were it not for the hated public sector bailing out the marketeers Americans would have been shooting each other in the streets for groceries.