US Presidential Election 2024 - Consolidated Far Right Tweets

Bill burr has already destroyed michelle.

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Newsome would be a disaster for the Blue.

The Demā€™s need to pull RFK under the banner. A Kennedy Democrat would unite America.

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Yeah she is probably more palatable to the American public than Newsom who seems like a wish version of Justin Trudeau. As first ladies go she was not as divisive as Hilary and without the same baggage and so should be able to pull in more of the independent vote. Obama won 68% of electoral votes in 2008 against McCain and 62% vs Mitt Romney in 2012. By proxy his wife could probably pull in good numbers. On the face of it those 2 elections look like resounding defeats for Republicans but the popular vote was much tighter. 53% in 08 to 51% in 12 in favour of Obama. He won California those years. Thats DeSantis country now. He also hoovered up around the rust belt with lots of swing states Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin. Im not sure the democrats will do as well there next time around. Other states like Georgia Obama lost but Stacy Abrams seems to have flipped that one. North Carolina surprisingly was only a narrow victory for Trump last time. Nevada and Arizona could go anyway but seem to be benefitting from native Californians moving there.

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California is de Santis country?


I think Democrats are going to really struggle to energise their voter base to vote for sleepy Joe.
Trumps crowd will vote, so if the Dems donā€™t get out they are in trouble.
Middle of the road voters are looking at Biden and Trump and thinking Iā€™m staying at home.

Obama would youā€™d imagine do well in the Black and woman categories. The Dems could come on board with her big time as well. Her lack of political exprience isnā€™t much of a hinderance against Trump.


Doesnā€™t say much for the veep.

I canā€™t see Biden running. Like, how can he even do a debate at this stage?

Ainā€™t no one voting for her

I meant Florida. I did a bit of a Biden on it there


They will have to drop Biden now from the 2024 ticket as his gaffes are likely to increase and if they donā€™t thereā€™s already plenty of material that will be played and parroted ad nauseum as evidence that he is not capable for four more years. Hes 82 now, another four years of decline and heā€™s up on 86 itā€™s ridiculous if he does not drop out. But Biden I think is someone of good character so he will come round to the fact that he needs to step away for Americas sake so they donā€™t end up with Trump back in office. Michelle Obama would beat Trump if she wants it but itā€™s a big if, outside of that I guess itā€™s Newsom. Whitmer would be very good choice too but they need to get to sorting this now fast.


Biden is not of good character


Who makes the decision on wether or not Biden runs?
Is it himself or the Democrat party?
Like if he insisted on running,is there any mechanism to stop him?

I think this gives a good explanation of the 25th Amendment and when/why it can be used 25th Amendment - Presidential Disability and Succession | Constitution Center

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Heaven help him if he calls Viktor Orban the President of Turkey or calls Nancy Pelosi ā€œNikki Haleyā€, like Trump.

I believe that Biden has the greatest chance of beating Trump, but he really needs to sharpen up on those gaffes. Heā€™s just feeding right into the oppositionā€™s hands. The debates between himself and Trump I suspect will decide the election. The debates will win over the independents and/or undecideds in the swing states and Trump will just lie his way through, which is fine. Itā€™s what he does, but if Biden dithers, and starts getting stuff wrong and isnā€™t coached well enough to take him down in the debates, it could be grim.
Biden debated well in the last presidential debates. He made Trump look like a guy you couldnā€™t take serious with his repeated 'Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnā€™s.

I dont think he has the marbles anymore to debate and its ridiculous that hes even contemplating running again.Thats not being mean spirited either.
Hes basically on the edge of senility and how quick he declines,is anybodys guess.

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Iā€™d be surprised if there are debates. If memory serves there was one last time which Trump turned into suicide video level viewing. Then he pulled out of the other two scheduled debates. He hasnā€™t done debates in the Republican primaries. Heā€™s satisfied that his comedy Hitler routine will be enough.

If they want to win, they should go and tell Michelle Obama it is now or never. She would win easily and is probably what the country needs.

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Could suit Biden, he has deteriorated as an orator since even the Irish trip. There were parts I heard or him this week that were barely audible.