Eerie Indiana
Trump +11 with Independents in the exit poll in Georgia, Biden won by +9 in 2020, Georgia has flipped to Trump no question on those numbers
Florida solid.
The don may as well declare victory, and move on to his assassination
That Georgia figure looks like a huge swing towards Trump.
Are the postal votes going to be dumped in at the end again Eurovision style?
Only if Kamala is behind.
Georgia tight as a nut.
WTF is Dana Perino wearing
That was a bad look last time. You can see why Trump and his crew said it was rigged.
Northern Virginia suburbs always report late and are heavily Democratic
It’s done, go to bed
45 is 47
Switching from BBC to CNN as the map game is superior there
Oh this is map-tastic
They must be counting those ballots at lightning speed.
He’s walking it in Florida.
He was always going to win Florida
Florida and Texas are as much locks to Trump as California and NY are to Harris.