US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Iā€™m shocked trump would be friends with a fellow sex offender

The notion that Trump is racist against blacks is nonsense, sure wasnā€™t he friends with P. Diddy.

The notion that Trump is anti-Semitic is bollocks too, sure wasnā€™t he best buds with Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has some people driven bat shit demented :joy:

Sex offenders tend to do that

Yet you still support man utd and Munster :joy:


More concerned about a football team than the victim.

The supporters of the sex offender trump are getting awful worked up.

When he loses in November and they are running for cover donā€™t ease up lads.

Iā€™m sure one fella will claim it was all a parody after making a holy show of himself again.

Who is a Trump supporter?

Whoā€™s a trump supporter?

What exactly about the sex offender appeals to you so much?

Youd know all about making a show of yourself, thatā€™s for sure. :smiley:

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Keep championing a sex offender we are really impressed.

Iā€™m not a Trump supporter.

Why was your main concern about Greenwood the effect on a football team rather than his victim.

Heā€™s banging them in for Marseille now.

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Worming out of it as expected.

Youā€™ve been fawning over that sex offender trump day in day out on here for months.

Itā€™s absolutely disgraceful.

Iā€™m not a trump supporter.


Iā€™m delighted to see you post that.

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They think that people wpnt support him because hes an absolute cunt. Without realising being a cunt is actually better than the alternative option