US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Yet you still support man utd and Munster :joy:


More concerned about a football team than the victim.

The supporters of the sex offender trump are getting awful worked up.

When he loses in November and they are running for cover donā€™t ease up lads.

Iā€™m sure one fella will claim it was all a parody after making a holy show of himself again.

Who is a Trump supporter?

Whoā€™s a trump supporter?

What exactly about the sex offender appeals to you so much?

Youd know all about making a show of yourself, thatā€™s for sure. :smiley:

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Keep championing a sex offender we are really impressed.

Iā€™m not a Trump supporter.

Why was your main concern about Greenwood the effect on a football team rather than his victim.

Heā€™s banging them in for Marseille now.

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Worming out of it as expected.

Youā€™ve been fawning over that sex offender trump day in day out on here for months.

Itā€™s absolutely disgraceful.

Iā€™m not a trump supporter.


Iā€™m delighted to see you post that.

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They think that people wpnt support him because hes an absolute cunt. Without realising being a cunt is actually better than the alternative option

Any chance you might post in either English or Irish rather than gibberish next time?

Says your man who rambles away to himself

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Very well said.

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