US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

“Liberty” through murdering black women.

Live free or die. The people of New Hampshire take the states motto seriously.

Why am I not surprised your definition of “living free” is inciting the murder of a black woman?


“Living free”


so the nutter that took out a shot appears to be a dem donor since 2019.

could have been worse for trump on the golf course, he could have been rory mcilroy


IT STINKS. False flag!

I dunno, not a stretch to think a lunatic had a gun in America

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Republican shooter = deranged nutter
Democrat shooter = false flag

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@Alphakrul1 was on here last night screaming about him being a republican :person_shrugging:t2:


When Trump was actually in power, nobody else though about getting into the golf course. How convenient this happened after Trump was trashed last week with his cats and dogs comments.

It’s all a complete sideshow. It boils down to the fact that trump is an absolute cunt and Harris is a fairly normal person.

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We don’t need a bland normal person as leader of the ‘free world’

Can the libertarians of TFK please sign in.

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Sure musk could be arrested for this commentary?

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It was a joke which didn’t translate to text apparently :joy: :joy:

He’s a dangerous cunt


They are more than likely Boston Celtic season ticket holders

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Twitter guy and his cronies gone full headbanger mode here


Think Trump needs to look into getting shot again if he really wants to go the extra mile here

Last I checked, Ramasmarmy and Haley were Reublicans.