US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

This fella has just put himself in line for a plum job in Trumpworld.


New Hampshire has among the lowest crime rates in the US, along with no personal or sales taxes at state level. The only personal tax is a high property tax, which is a wealth tax in normal left leaning societies. Not a bad system compared to dumpster fires like califorina or NY

Whos tuning in?

Racist creeps.

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What in the name of god has that to do with the post above?

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New Hampshire libratarians. Live free or die

The lads that always vote democrat?

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The narrative has changed again. Trump will make hay from this

Jill Stein should fuck off to Russia with Trump.

Urban centre of Manchester swings it. Many rural but sparsely populated

This thread should be renamed - the random tweets thread


the irony being the lads who constantly bleat that musk is blofeld, twitter is an alt right cess pool are the ones spending the most time there desperately seeking random tweets that chime with their worldview and then post them here as some sort of evidence.



The TFK groypers are seething. :grinning:

I wonder why the trump supporters on here hate successful women so much.

One of them is a half wit who has been posting batshit diatribes against women here for well over a decade and the other is a fella who admitted making jokes about rape behind the back of the complainant while working in court during a rape trial. He’s currently grandstanding about “the rule of law” on another thread.

These fellas found out about absurdity and decided to make it their entire “personality” in the absence of anything else.

These freaks genuinely believe inflicting rape is a male “right”.


Their da bet their ma.

I think Trump will win. I won a few quid on him in 2020 and I think I’ll back him again.

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