US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

She’ll win the national vote well

Not on insta, but who is he?

She’s telling people their lives depend on the result.

Billie is a she? :joy:… Of course he is. The looney left

The TRIPUS podder mapping 2016 and Trump taking the reins of the GOP is a fascinating listen.

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Send a link to it there locke

Are you not left wing?

I’m a centerist dad

Id say you’re lefty enough at the back of it all ya hoor. If one of the kids said they were gay in few years you’ll probably be all accepting of them and the whole lot.

If he was still gay after 100 pushups I’d roll with it.


Billie Eilish and her brother Finnean. Strong wording, re the support.

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Might well do if they’re a woman.

Sure what would women and racial and sexual minorities in the US know, thankfully we have white men from Ireland who support Trump to put them right.

Trump doesn’t threaten them directly, thus he threatens nobody.

And the women and racial minorities who are voting for Trump have plenty white men in Ireland to set them straight too

I wonder who these actors could possibly be…

The live stream was with Russian agent Tim Pool, of course.

The fact that the attempted assassin’s online ramblings wouldnt have been out of place on here genuinely frightens me of what will happen when trump wins.

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Headbanger civil war