US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

He’ll win the popular vote and all

Shapiro’s treatment of amish farmers is little more than terrorism


Sure they’re selling raw milk. The monsters

A lackey for bill gates and the like

What’s he been up to

Just trying to run them out of business…mmclassic big guy shitting on the little guy because he can scenario

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This could end up being a rout in the presidential election for the dems. I suspect that pulling Ror might gift them both houses on top-. That’s when the fun would start All the magas get fun new pronouns

Kathy Kay predicting a win for Harris in Pennsylvania.

What’s this? McIlroy is running for the Democrats?

Still a long way to go. I’m wondering if the pollsters have adjusted the numbers in advance this year for Trump’s usual polling outside of the reported numbers. I’d be surprised if they havn’t, as they have a lot riding on the accuracy of their polling. There will be a surprise or two left. Hillary got torpedoed a week out from the election. Dems will need to be on their toes. I suspect they’ll be keeping some of their powder dry for the final week too. Something juicy, that will swing some independents away from the Don.

haha Roe even. McIlroy has had enough bad punts recently without getting into politics.

Interesting too musk and thiel who are real problem are suggesting the dems will rob the election.

You’d guess the guy who’s election results are always better than the polls was the one rigging the elections.

As always the accusations from Republicans are statements of what they themselves plan to do. The results in Georgia probably won’t be in for two weeks after the election because of the below ruling. The Republicans plan to either steal the vote itself or baselessly create the narrative that it was “stolen” and steal it with fake electors or in the courts.

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Ya I was reading that’s how he won the republican nomineee in 2015. Every time he lost a primary he just screamed it was rigged and nobody had any idea how to deal with it.

Hand counting ballots now in Georgia, and trying to move the goalposts in Nebraska, on top of all the other gerrymandering they’ve been at since George Dubya at least…they’re in a panic. I predict the urban liberal vote in Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston will push Texas blue in 8yrs, if the dems play smart politics. Jasmine Crockett is a massive upcoming star in the Democratic Party. A St Louis woman, but the Texans seem to have taken to her.

Musk and Thiel will probably be in exile in Budapest by then.


Results would indicate Texas is gradually turning but it’s still probably a decade or more away and a lot depends on the candidate.

Ted Cruz is vulnerable in the senate this time and one poll even had him down by 1% but he will probably still win.

2012: 57.17% to 41.38%
2016: 52.23% to 43.24%
2020: 52.06% to 46.48%

2006: 61.69% to 36.04%
2008: 54.82% to 42.84%
2012: 56.46% to 40.62%
2014: 61.56% to 34.26%
2018: 50.9% to 48.3%
2020: 53.51% to 43.87%

They’re staring down the barrel of a gun. 40 electoral college votes, second largest after Cali. It’ll be a day worth celebrating when it turns.

Texas may never turn entirely blue as the majority of people moving there are conservative, esp the Californians that move there. In the 2018 Senate race marginally more native Texans voted for O’Rourke than Cruz, but Cruz had the overwhelming share of transplants. Also, Hispanic voters are increasingly more likely these days to vote Republican. Gone are the days when that voter bloc was gimme for Democrats.

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Texas has an outrageously low voter turnout record. Around 30%. I suppose, like a lot of elections…it’s about mobilising the apathetic.