US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

You’re replying as if I’m captain of the kids killing union :joy:

I believe you preferred term is guard railing

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This from the Russia cheerleader :smiley:

There’s not many U.S. presidents that havn’t had a bloodied hand in the murder of innocent civilians overseas in recent decades. If I had a choice of anyone for president of the cesspit, it would be Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders would get elected here in Sweden, but not in the states. Nikki Haley last night talking up the fight against the evils of socialism. I live in a socialist country. Universal, affordable healthcare, both physical and mental for all. A near guaranteed home for life with the government being one of, if not the biggest landlord in the country. Good social security, parental leave, paid vacation time, strong unions, close to free day care for kids, free education and first class transport infrastructure. It’s not a utopia, nowhere is…but it beats the US model. I’ve lived there, twice. It’s not a great place for the elderly, the sick or the poor.

You’re definitely mixing me up with someone else.

You’re responding to him.


Youve been tagging me and making bitchy comments to bate the band, while pretenting to be aloof. Talk about living rent free…
Fire up a post to back up your putin cheerleader comment there, you coward

Bernie would have been the right man, unfortunately the US is too far gone politically. Its not about the good of the citizens but point scoring against the other team, while fucking the citizens

Yes, it’s a mess of a system but it’ll never change. It’ll be what destroys them. One side won’t let the other put a bill through that would help the people in case it’ll help them get elected in the following cycle. Rinse and repeat, until it resembles a shell of the great nation it had the potential to be. I like to tell my American mates that our generation are witnessing the slow motion fall of a short lived empire. They don’t want to see it, and not one of them has reacted well to the view. Big pharma, the universities, and the doctors/hospitals and mental health profession are riding such a grotesque gravy train that Sanders’s ideal of free healthcare, education, medicine etc won’t attract donor dollars, and won’t be given much airtime for free. Too many players, with too much to lose. Tim Scott last night going on about ‘everyone needs to get on their knees and pray again’ and quoting the bible, and a few minutes later, urging a hard genocide for the citizens of Gaza, as did every other one of the candidates. Hilarious, but also a desperate sign of what donors are willing to throw millions at.


I’d like RFK to win (I think he’s the only US presidential candidate who actually believes what he’s saying to people) but he will take far more votes off of Trump than Biden.

Quirk of the two party system that, in general, most RFK voters will actually help put the man they hate most, Biden, in the White House

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Well, I think the general assumption that the ‘believes what he’s saying’ is why anyone with a grain of intelligence and basic critical thinking skills won’t vote for him as ‘what he says’ is limited to crackpot conspiracy theories. I mean, what other kind of ‘made-up’ shit is going to enter his head if he ever stood a chance of getting elected that could spark off a war based on a mental illness, or deficiency?! I’m sure a certain diminutive Austrian believe what he said also. It’s not really the healthiest primary yardstick to use when choosing a lead of a country.

I have no idea who he’ll actually pull votes from the most if he continues his run. I don’t think anyone has the foggiest. The MAGA’s won’t choose him over Trump, the Democrat voters have better critical thinking skills. Then, you’re left with the anti-Trump Republicans, who would be likelier to vote for Biden as a vote for crackpot Kennedy could in high enough numbers, give Trump the vote. If he doesn’t drop out, it’s going to be laughable in the final numbers how many people outside of those who watch media that peddle conspiracy theories vote for him.

You nearly had me thinking you were serious

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If I remember correctly, the Republican voters fell for the Q-Anon conspiracies and ‘The Vote was Stollen’. :cake:

Every one of them?

The Dem voters voted in a senile old man who has literally sat and watched the world go up in flames

60%. That basically means 60% of your voting base has a used toilet brush for a brain.

It’s Autumn Batigol, a perfect time for nights spent by the fireside.

RFK is a Democrat plant to take votes off Trump, according to Qanon types

Oh the ironing

Trump was a war-monger. Biden came in and stopped all the wars.