US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

Unfortunately, this comes across very clearly in your postings.

That you have acknowledged it is a start at least and will help you get better. Ranting and raving online all day every day canā€™t be good for your health.

Accusing sane, level headed reasonable people of being Nazis or racist or fascist because they disagree with you seems to say more about you than them.

Has he said many things that could be classed as fascist though? Mattie likes the sound of his own vice and isnā€™t shy of an opinion so id be surprised if hasnt let something slip.

Itā€™s you who needs help a hell of a lot more than I do.

I donā€™t accuse people of being racist or fascist because or supporters of Nazi style genocide because Iā€™m mentally ill.

I do it because that is exactly what those people are.

What you demand towards racists, fascists and supporters of Nazi style genocides is an obscene form of political correctness to protect genuinely sick, mentally ill and depraved views.

@Rocko You have a lot to answer for here. Enabling this behavior is very irresponsible. Either remove people for their own good or shut this site down.

Thatā€™s not how fascism works.

The likes of Gavin Pepper will say openly fascist things. The likes of McGrath will use a form of words which attempts to cloaks his real and obvious intent and meaning based on bullshit semantics and ā€œplausible deniabilityā€, when itā€™s fucking obvious what heā€™s doing.

McGrath uses dog whistles. When McGrath claims the World Economic Forum controls the Irish Government, heā€™s using an obvious anti-Semitic dog whistle of the sort the far right takes as its meat and drink.

Fascists know what he means. They know itā€™s a demonstration of support for them.

Anti-fascists know what it means. They know its a demonstration of support for the fascists.

To the people in the middle - the gullible, the disinterested, the clueless, the dimwitted self styled ā€œvery sensible peopleā€ with a neat line in dismissing the fascist threat, he can claim semantics and bullshit ā€œplausible deniabilityā€.

Trump used to do that. Remember @Tierneevin1979 endlessly arguing not to believe your eyes and ears about what Trump was based on false plausible deniability and semantics. Maybe even he has given up now.

Why do you hate free speech?

Youā€™ve been spamming this board for years with far right conspiracist nonsense and medical disinformation which could kill people.

Thatā€™s real mental illness. By choice. The sort of mental illness that doesnā€™t stop at you in its harmful effects.

That wef one was a bit weird alright. I still donā€™t think boggers can be fascist though. They have to be salt of the earth dubs

Mattie McGrath and Gavin Pepper


Mattie McGrath with Andy Heasman

*We donā€™t talk enough about the connection between the slow death of local journalism and the emergence of Trumpism. As someone who worked in scores of campaigns, Iā€™ve seen how campaigns & candidates operate differently with no local coverage. *

Home town newspapers were a public square that more often than not valued decency and civic virtue. They fought lies & corruption. Weā€™ve mostly lost that and Trumpism has flourished.

Autocracies kill journalism and journalists for a reason.

Testifying before Congress last year on the business crisis in journalism, David Simon, creator of The Wire and former journalist, lamented the decline of statehouse reporting. ā€œThe next 10 to 15 years will be halcyon days for local corruption,ā€ he declared. ā€œItā€™s going to be a great time to be a corrupt politician.ā€

Might be no harm deflate the nuclear football

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Putins playing chess while Biden isā€¦

The asteroid is americas best hope going forward

So thatā€™s why the Mexican border is open- to let aid into gaza? All starting to make sense now

Biden the fox playing knifey spoony here

The Dems would want to be giving Biden the elbow sharpish.

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Will it be Obama or Newsom?

Theyā€™d guarantee themselves the election.

Thatā€™s their general approach to elections

That man needs to be put out to grass ASAP

If itā€™s Michelle Obama I think lunatic twitter would actually melt. They all reckon Obama is pulling Bidens strings as it is.

Oh and that Michelle Obama is a man.

She would walk it if they did though.