US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

They had that I think but they kept getting shot or flying into the sea

Biden needs to be told in no uncertain terms itā€™s over.

The debate was moved up to test Biden. He failed. Thereā€™ll be a new candidate.

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To me who hasnā€™t a clue Biden seemed ideal to bate Trump the last time. He wasnā€™t too wokey and played a bit of his common man persona. He was male pale stale and safe. Surely has to be someone similar to have a hope. Black, woman, liberal smoothie trumpy will bate them with his red cap.

Youā€™re fighting the last war. The candidate doesnā€™t have to have to be any particular gender or skin colour. They have to be a good candidate who is likely to win.

Surely you canā€™t factor out those two elements. Bar itā€™s an absolute one off personality like Obama itā€™s too dangerous to take a risk. I would have just taken the chance on Biden again if he was anyway compos mentis. Trump seems to be incredibly popular so you need a very safe pair of hands to take on the horrible cunt

See a before and after of all American presidents. It fairly takes a few years off them.

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the supposed ā€œhigh riskā€ candidates.

Bob Dole, Al Gore, John Kerry, Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton were supposed ā€œlow riskā€ candidates.

How did that work out?

Biden won in 2020 due to a unique set of circumstances. The election was a referendum on the horrific awfulness of Trump. Black Lives Matter was in the ascendancy. Trump was making a complete bollix of the Covid pandemic. Biden didnā€™t have to campaign like he will have to this time.

This election isnā€™t a referendum on Trump. Biden is complicit in genocide. He is too frail to debate and campaign. He has to go and the replacement needs to be a bold choice, not the ā€œsafeā€ option of Harris. Harris has a chance of winning by default but the odds look against. Others especially Whitmer have a much better chance.

Trump is very popular with his cult but not all Trump voters will be cultists even if they are a small minority. Heā€™s also very unpopular outside of his cult. You need somebody to excite and get the vote out. Remember, a Democratic candidate has to win by a minimum of four percentage points nationally to win the electoral college because the electoral college mechanics are heavily stacked in favour of Trump.

Biden won by over 7 million votes nationally and 4.5% nationally last time yet still only scraped home by the skin of his teeth in the electoral college.

The world is fucked. We need a strong republican president. Trump might be a bit mental but hes the best we can hope for

The only hope for a new democrat candidate is to go against biden and everything he stood forā€¦i doubt any of them realise that.

Biden is live now on CNN doing a medal ceremony, seems to be struggling a bit if Iā€™m honest.

Would be hilarious if Biden ending up beating trump all the same. It would drive all the right lads absolutely nutty.

Out of the mouths of babes

This is very sad.

The Dems will have to shoot him

Biden would move too quickly for whoever theyā€™d get to do the job.

Wouldnā€™t be the first time the Dems killed their incumbent


Just go, Joe.

Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s any party in the world which is more shit at politics than the Democrats.

After a day of private meetings on Capitol Hill, congressional Democrats appeared torn over whether Joe Biden should remain the partyā€™s nominee, as concerns deepen over the 81-year-old presidentā€™s age, mental acuity and ability to win the White House for a second term.

Lawmakers emerged from closed-door gatherings on Tuesday stone-faced, appearing uneasy about Bidenā€™s path forward, even if most werenā€™t ready to publicly call on him to step aside. Asked if the party was on the same page after a House Democrats meeting, Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee quipped: ā€œWeā€™re not even in the same book.ā€

I suppose we should be grateful. Who knows what mayhem the president would unleash, had he his wits about him.

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