US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

It’s probably an opportune time to remind people that Donald Trump has called Viktor Orban “the President of Turkey” and called Nancy Pelosi “Nikki Haley”.

Trump’s supporters are fine with that because they don’t actually give a fuck whether the US President’s critical faculties are in order.

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The top brass of the Democratic party are hoping that they’ll step out of the shower one of these mornings and find out all this has been merely a nightmare, rather than reality.

Is Patrick Duffy available to run as the candidate? Failing him, the corpse of Larry Hagman will do.

But Biden seems to be screwing up every couple of days, it’s unlikely to think he won’t do it again.

He’ll very likely do it again in a few minutes’ time. This is going to come to a head this weekend. It can’t go on.

Gwan and tell us…Ukraine, gaza, graduated top of his class?

Oh no, he just called Harris “Vice President Trump” - game over.

Nobody cares.

Biden just did 57 minutes of a press conference. It was a reasonably strong performance, he was strong on detail and it was difficult not to be drawn in by his defiance. He was quite charming in a sort of fighting for his political life way. But he called Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump”. And that’s probably all that matters in this informational landscape.

I hope Biden steps aside by the morning, it’s just sad looking at him up there. Get Michelle Obama on that podium

At this stage they could have the ghost of JFK and Michelle Obama on the ticket and the democrats would still lose in November. Too much damage being done and has been done at this stage, all the focus is negative. Trump just has to stay between the ditches but will he be able to contain the urge to poke at Biden?

Didnt Regan get questioned on his mental abilities towards the end of his term? No where near Biden

Jesus, that’s a hard listen

I know nothing about US Politics but what I really hate is people poking fun at old lads who are losing it a bit and have a touch of alzeimhers.

There were all top men in their time, far better than most of the younger generation will ever be and deserve better than to be laughed at for getting a bit muddily in their old age.


Absolutely. Biden was never anything more than a posturing warmongering thug, and his few coherent moments show he hasn’t changed…there’s plenty to criticise him for without attacking the infirm

Agreed mate. But this isnt taking the piss out of an oldie. This is tying to make sure he doesnt have his hand at the tiller of the most influential country in the world for the next 4 years. The world cup is there for fucks sake!

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Theres no touch about it. Its elder abuse at this stage. Trump is almost the same age too. 350 million people and its these 2 going for the top ganger job. Madness

Have you the video of sir mark prescott talking about the rollicking he got off that owner who was meant to be ringing Henry Cecil instead


Is he egotistical though or is it a pure love of politics? Surely if he loves the Democratic party then he could see that their interests would be better served with a younger alternative.

I’m also not convinced that Trump is in any way superior to younger generations.

There’s no place for ageism whether it’s an auld fella in the US Presidential Election or a young buck in the Ulster Club Championship

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That was ringing me in my ear as i typed that.

Sir Reginald McDonald-Buchanan was the owner and with a name like that must have been a top man in his time.