US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

Would that cause your shoes to fall off?
Iā€™m still trying to figure that oneā€¦.

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Depends on whether youā€™re an Ireland football supporter or not.

These are a lovely pair of shoes.


How many shots were fired?

Two Modernas and one Pfizer.

Iā€™d still have thought access to roofs overlooking the rally would be restricted, even if it was outside the perimeter.

Trump is very lucky, if that bullet was few inches more to one side and he has a bullet in the face.

Trump tweets about a bullet ripping through his skin (his ear).

Would have improved his looks anyway.

Can bullets penetrate plastic?

I presume you wish it was on target?

Getting shot at, Iā€™d imagine, itā€™s a fairly shocking experience, let alone having a bullet whizz by your head. It would take a lot out of anyone. And Trump ainā€™t exactly young

Yes I would think all decent people the world over wish it had gone through whatā€™s left of his brain.

In a similar manner to how Claus Von Stauffenbergā€™s assassination attempt on Hitler would have been an unambiguously positive thing for the world had it succeeded, and how Billy Wrightā€™s murder in the Maze in 1997 was an unambiguously positive outcome for Northern Ireland.

Thereā€™s a bizarre taboo about wishing that unambiguously horrifically evil people were dead.

The most obvious case of State involved assassination ever?

Not that Iā€™m saying it was wrong.

State enabled for sure. Not everything the British state did in the North was bad.

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He was a real threat.

Charismatic, intelligent and a complete cunt.

I was watching a video of Wrightā€™s speeches the other night. The mindset in that crowd was pure Trump rally stuff. The absolute conviction of virtuous victimhood on the part of those who celebrated the slaughterers of innocent Catholic civilians and openly planned more slaughter.

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Movements like that need a figurehead and there was no better one than Wright.

You honestly wouldnā€™t say that if it was biden who was nearly killed though. Both sides need to have a small bit of self awareness

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Biden isnā€™t Trump, same as Chamberlain wasnā€™t Hitler.

You get the half price leg in super value I take it. Ours was smashing

Would have been a massive blow to Clare ahead of the final if their hero had been shot dead.