US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

Kaiser Joe needs the Ukrainians to make one huge valiant blood sacrifice in some town no-one outside of Ukraine has ever heard of, so he can claim a decisive victory and get a few more votes…for the sake of humanity like.

Took me literally one minute to find this:

A Slowhand clap

That Nazi murder spree guy in Jacksonville last week didn’t come out of nowhere. The likes of Stew Peters and Tucker Carlson sent him.

Amongst the endless reasons to support another 4yrs of ‘Tired Joe’, is that these Proud Boy thugs will all most likely be pardoned under a Trump government.

I dont see the Democrats backing him unfortunately

I suspect the heroin abuse of the past, or the mental problems he was treating with it, a little akin to current day Russell Brand, has robbed him of rational thought abilities. He may be a good guy, but he has sadly been lost to crackpotism, an inability to differentiate from the grossly improbable and certainty. An illness of the mind, where if he wasn’t a Kennedy or a Corr, he’d be considered the village idiot.

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If I’d a straight choice between Trump, Biden and Robert Kennedy, I’d choose Kennedy. If that makes me a deranged crackpot, so be it

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Let’s take a wild guess, everyone who isn’t ultra woke has something wrong with them in your book

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Kennedy is the only rational choice between them. Biden barely compus mentis and a creep when he was. Trump just a grifter.

Absolutely not, I can see the irrationality of both left and right, politically speaking. This isn’t about politics. This is regarding the endemic trend of a failure in rational thinking in humans, and of not being able to differentiate as I said above from the grossly improbable and certainty. This has always existed, but has seen a highly threatening, society endangering acceleration in the recent decade due to our high level exposure to the internet, coupled with an explosion of misinformation and disinformation being easily readable by a society who relied on print media, and subsequently television for the last two centuries for information, and largely were given, the truth.
I read recently of someone describing losing a loved one to these conspiratorial rabbit-holes akin to losing someone to the opioid epidemic. The frightening difference is, that a relatively successful range of treatment only exists for one. The addict also can often know deep down that they suffer from a disease, or a mental obsession that will eventually bring them to the gates of insanity or death, whereas the other doesn’t.
It would not feel as urgent, were there not a trend of new ‘post truth era’, power starved individuals, again willing to exploit this societal issue for immoral, political gain, with no thought whatsoever given to the wellbeing of those unconsciously, and those consciously suffering.
One of the greatest and newest challenges to psychoanalysis, coupled perhaps with the education systems of the world is rehabilitating those who are engulfed to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others and to ready our children to be able to combat this with analytical skills that we need to find a way to teach in schools.


Thorough answer. I wonder do you see how it affects both sides of the spectrum?

Were largely given the truth? Keep the focus on Ireland for now. How well were the Irish public informed of the abuses by the Catholic Church in the 20th century? How well were the inhabitants of the 26 counties informed of the sectarian abuses in the north? Where was the investigative journalism?

The advantage of the information age is there is nowhere to hide. Yes there’s a vast depository of bullshit and misinformation but the role of a rational mind is to make most sense of all the noise. That’s the most you can hope for as there are no certainties or absolutes in life.

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Having to Pick between trump and Kennedy is like a having to pick a lad to ride your Mrs.

So disregard someone who has overcome addiction and mental health issues in the past? Its not like he has hidden his struggles and they are terrible excuses

Sadly they aren’t power starved. A lot of them have major $$$$$$$$$$ behind them, and indeed the richest and most powerful people and worst people in the world.

Trump, Kennedy, Carlson, Farage, Peterson, Rogan etc. all are examples of extremely lavishly funded corporate disinformation to control the masses so the richest and worst people in the world can have their way.

Real news costs money, with the exception of the Guardian who have made a conscious decision to try and remain free, but it’s unlikely they’ll hold out much longer.

Fake news is always free. Funny that.

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Of course, but if we are referring to the political spectrum, there are very few individuals running for positions of power in government with a viable chance of success with an agenda of exploiting this frailty in the minds of many individuals, on the traditional left. The, lie our way to power individuals are currently, and historically on the right.

Do you mean the traditional left in Ireland like the stickies, Workers party, etc. who were baslcially Bolsheviks and denied every atrocity by the USSR or argued it was preferable to western democracy?

Or do you mean Joe Biden who claims he marched shoulder to shoulder with MLK in the 60s and yet was a raving bigoted segregationist racist in the 70s/80s and 90s?

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Largely, yes. Wholly, no. There also is the issue regarding dishonesty by omission. Let’s keep it to Ireland so. Before the days of TV3 and TG4, we had one broadcaster, RTE. They were funded almost entirely by the state, with the state being hugely influenced by the church, and I have no doubt that any funding for a project to uncover the crimes and abuses or discredit the church, would have been quickly shot down, as they wouldn’t bite the hand that feeds. Sure, they wouldn’t even buy the Father Ted series, and eventually had to pay an exorbitant price to Channel 4 for the privilege of showing it. Let’s not forget that most if not all older adults knew, or strongly suspected that priests were abusing children, yet they continued to send their children to serve on the altars, donated money to the church and attended masses celebrated by serial paedophiles. These adults KNEW the truth, but chose to ignore it, and I would consider them equally culpable. Silence can be criminal. If we’re comparing this to not being able to tell the difference between the true and the false, it’s entirely different.
I grew up in the south, in one of the border counties and I can assure you that I was very well aware of the sectarian abuses and atrocities in the occupied six. I would hear the stories through songs remembering the victims, conversations at home and in books. The impression I’ve gotten in my travels throughout Ireland, and knowing folk from different parts of the island over the years is that south of the border counties, there were huge areas of people that didn’t care, as they were so far geographically removed and it had no effect on them whatsoever. I grew up in a village, which had an incredible support for the armed struggle and were proud of those who participated, giving up their freedom and sometimes, their lives, and was shocked when travelling to areas, especially in the midlands where anti-IRA sentiment, and by proxy translates to a strong anti-Sinn Fein sentiment to this day.