US Presidential Election 2024 - Here comes Kom Chad Luek

Does anyone watch cnn these days? She’d reach far more people if she went on the ‘Joe Rogan Experience’

They are third biggest behind Fox and MSNBC but there’s been a big drop off across the board of people watching news on TV.

Thankfully Joe wouldn’t have that vacuous cunt on he’s show

Ah here. She might be really intelligent and interesting…but the democrats are keeping those qualities under wraps…in case @Alphakrul1 turns agin her

What election fraud? Hilary spending four years whinging about Russia?

The dems sued RFK for even trying to be on the ballot. They put a an they knew was in serious cognitive decline up for re-election without any opposition.

Look mate. You havent lived if you dont have a bit of cognitive decline

She’d win the election pulling up if she went on Joe

I find it a bit amusing that between the two parties it’s the democrats you consider anti-democratic. Surely refusing to accept election results or restricting voting rights are about the most antidemocratic things a party could do?

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Stopping people running is equally undemocratic.

And the dems didn’t accept 2016

And they pressured the censorship of Hunter Bidens laptop

You may as well be trying to explain maths to the cat


I don’t pay very close attention to American politics but I don’t think you’re correct there. The entire republican party says the last election was “stolen”. They don’t accept the election results. I don’t think the democrats have ever done or said anything like that.

A party changing their candidate is undemocratic now? I don’t think you understand democracy.


Rogans interview with Bernie was excellent, but he had coherent ideas, could expand and explain them. Harris must be an imbecile

It’s no wonder the democrats had to do the dirt on Saunders


I’d agree she’s still a bit of an unknown quantity but it’s a testament to how poor a candidate Trump is and the utter capitulation of the Republican Party to the MAGA headbangers that she’s generated such momentum and is prob the slight favourite to win now. A previous republican candidate like McCain or Romney would be romping home at this point.

The democrats used to be the losers but incredibly the republicans seem keen to grab the title. If they lose this election they’ve lost 4 out of the last 5. But pinning your hopes on a slob like Trump for the guts of a decade - and gutting your party while doing so - is the kind of thing weird losers do.

So Harris shouldn’t have a shot but she lucked out to end up in a two horse race with about the one type of candidate she can beat.

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Explain it to me then. Hilary repeatedly says Russia stole the 2016 election.

The democrats censored the laptop story, just as it approached the election.

They did everything they could to stop RFK running.

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If the republicans had any sort of normal candidate they’d beat her easy. It’s some cock up by them if they lose.

Yes because RFK is a raging fucking lunatic. Why would anybody want him running ?

Is that the same as the entire party not accepting the election results? It doesn’t seem to me to be the same thing.

I don’t know anything about “the laptop story”. Sounds like hokum though.

Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t encourage RFK to run.

Regardless, it’s not democratic to supress and actively try stop someone running. Let the electorate decide

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Splitting hairs.

Not hokum. Direct electoral interference. Right before the election.

Surely letting him run would be the Democratic thing to do?

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Letting ordinary people make decisions is not something lefties can tolerate