US Presidential Election 2024 - Here comes Kom Chad Luek

Which part exactly?

You want to go down another path here because I called out the BS you heard elsewhere and imported here.

I love how you drop words like that in, trying to pitch yourself on a higher plane. No dealing with the points, just some more poorly transposed podcast buzzwords.


Youā€™d have a lot more respect for Kennedy if heā€™d ran an Independent campaign and when unsuccessful formed a proper 3rd option.

There has to be massive amounts of distain for Option A & B currently as nothing changes regardless.

By dropping out & throwing his support in for Trump itā€™s a non issue as to why the Dems blocked him.

It might have now become one but it wasnā€™t when he was running.

How did he have a decent presidency?

He was given a rosey couple of years up until Covid hit.

A few of the bright ones on here giving out shit on Covid restrictions forget that the USAā€™s initial refusal to enforce Covid lockdowns caused tens of thousands of needless deaths.
He was a disaster on Covid. It eventually lost him the 2020 election.

Bidenā€™s economic record is far greater. He came in when the economy was fucked and steered it through a horrendous global inflation crisis.
Please do not cite inflation as a Biden-caused problem - the US has coped the best with inflation in the entire West.
Biden created way more jobs than Trump.
Despite Bidenā€™s successful passing of bills which relieved student debt, reduced medicine costs and boosted infrastructure, Trumpā€™s record was way worse on national debt.

Trump was and is a global embarrassment. His pandering to authoritarian dictators is uniquely un-American.
Removing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement did little other than raise a cheer from his section of cult fans. A geopolitical misstep, but most importantly of all sums up his total lack of interest and vision for the future wellbeing of Americans and the planet.


He was a complete disaster. They are still paying for his fuck acting.

I wouldnā€™t call you far right at all

But you are very consistent in your right wing leanings, like many on here,

Trump rebuilt the American economy , with Biden enjoying the fruits of it

Interesting take. Didnā€™t Trump let big Pharma do as they please for Covid?

Iā€™d imagine the average Republican voter isnā€™t too bothered about te continuation of above and neither are most of there Senators

You are so obviously a Zoe but you are trying to be a Zelda

Republican = Cunt
Democrat = Cunt

If theyā€™re American theyā€™ll pillage and warmonger regardless of sitting President.

Voters donā€™t matter, Big Corporations rule that land

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If Kamala wins and pushes the corporation tax rate to 28%, we might have to pull this post out of the archive.

Dont label me. You donā€™t know meā€¦

Itā€™s very important that the good guys win tho

If the cunts really concentrated on sorting out the own societal issues then they could then again start offering opinions elsewhere imo.


Since 1989 50 times more jobs have been created under Democrat presidents than under Republicans.

Thatā€™s probably because Democrat presidents tend to care about actually running a country whereas Republican presidents tend to care about failed economics, feathering their own nests, invading places and actively helping Americaā€™s enemies destroy it.

Youā€™ve no right to be throwing stones ffs

Trump must be a big man united man

Iā€™m happy to stand over my beliefs

But surely you donā€™t believe in trump? Thereā€™s no possible way you donā€™t think heā€™s an absolute pig of a man?

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