US Presidential Election 2024 - Here comes Kom Chad Luek

Does that mean we are bith discredited so? Our conversations are all meaningless? Im having an externetial crisis here

Trump is also a headbanger, yes. What’s your point? Someone else is a headbanger so it’s ok to be a headbanger now?

Massive night for the GOP. Milwaukee debate, and the Trump interview with Tucker.

Not to mention, all the goings-on in Fulton County.

My money’s on Chris Christie coming out of this with a few more percentage points.

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Complete shit show, Trump laughing his bollox off.

Chris Christie the fat fuck calling someone skinny :joy:

Pence and Haley probably gaining the most, Ramaswamy torpedoing his chance of being anything other than a crackpot VP

It’s a complete and utter shitshow, the country is fucked if this is all that’s on offer as an alternative.

De Santis I’d say will have lost a few percentage points but he’s not dead as a result. Ramaswamy just made a complete mess of it by opening his mouth, the guy quite clearly has an absence of, or didn’t listen to strong advisors. Christie well sidelined by the hosts, but he never really made a huge impact when he got the chance. It’ll be interesting to see the polls in the coming days.

Ramaswamy is trying to be Trump but nobody knows him although at least he brought some energy. Agree DeSantis didn’t do himsself any harm. Did anyone gain on Trump? Doubtful…

Haley will have gained a few points, and maybe Pence but probably at the expense of the other candidates as opposed to Trump.

It’s time America had another Kennedy at the helm


Quite obvious that Murdoch still believes he’s the chief kingmaker, even if he repeatedly backs the wrong horse in recent times. The UFO question given to Christie, instead of something that would give him a real opportunity to stand out from the rest and an obvious shutting down on Pence when they could whilst giving a huge platform to Ramaswamy which turned out to be enough rope to hang himself with any never trumpers and most of the undecided, which I suspect they weren’t banking on him doing.


This Ramaswampy nutcase seems to have the necessary pied piper qualities to become a big player in the lunatic asylum party. You could imagine him selling monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook

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He’s not white enough, and of all the things the MAGA degenerates can swallow, a hindu preaching that there’s one god probably won’t be one of them. He’s got Sarah Palin energy, and if Trump chooses him to run for VP, he may have the detrimental Palin effect on the Don’s campaign.

White supremacists love brown guys who tell them what they want to hear. They also worship celebrity grifters. This guy fancies himself as a celebrity grifter who can go far and he’d be right to do so.

He is going to cut a deal with Putin over Ukraine on condition that Russia cuts ties with China.

Not to mention moving Taiwan’s chip industry to the U.S. and giving Taiwan to the Chinese. A modern day father christmas.

Trump was interviewed by that other cunt Tucker on twitter. I watched the first few minutes and it’s actually comedy gold.

Ron DeSantimonious and MSDNC

Why would I debate them? The polls have me 50/60/70 points ahead

It’s very telling that Trump no longer uses the “crooked” moniker for Hilary, but instead uses it for Biden



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