US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

This fella is an alternative universe, how can you possibly reason w men like these

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The only consolation of the modern GAE expansion and logical end point of liberalism/progressives is complete chaos and destruction and these people, such as @Alphakrul1 @glasagusban @farmerinthecity @Bandage etc will be complete cannon fodder. It’s nearly something to look forward to

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It’ll be up to men like us to protwct them for themselves. Thank god for or second amendment

When I’m head honcho you’ll be my minister for discos. It’s an excellent post

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Has RFK Jr ruled out a run?

Running as an independent so hasnt a hope

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Maybe biden and yrump will be the tipping point that ends the two party system, either that or just dig up john mccain and put him in charge

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My personal opinion is that for all Biden’s flaws it’s a almost a Adolf Hitler vs Abraham Lincoln scenario for the two of them.

  • Trump
  • Biden
0 voters

But you’ve already seen trump in power for four years. He wasn’t Adolf Hitler then but will be now?

He won’t win by the way, and shouldn’t win. Bidens administration (but not the man himself, he’s 15 years past effectiveness) is solid enough that enough will vote for it. Trumps voter base isn’t as energized as it was in 2015, mainly because he ran on an disruptive outsider campaign but nothing much changed while he was in power. Biden isnt really that much more inspiring but that’s not enough reason to mobilize a huge support against him. As always apathy will be the real winner. Trumps only hope is stirring up nativisim with the millions crossing the border, similiar to Farages tactic.

Hopefully you’re right. Trump is the biggest thoroughbred ‘cunt’ I have ever come across in my whole life. In the whole TFK COTY competition he ticks every single box for me. I also thing he is the most divisive person ever.

I’m remember hearing on a podcast before how Trump got prescribed ADHD meds in the 80s, with what was supposed to be a three month prescription only, but has essentially stayed on them for 30+ years. His brain is half fried. I think he’s just a swindler, a narcissist, and unfit for the role, especially with how much power resides in the white house. But so is biden at this stage. We’ll agree to disagree on how dangerous he is, as while trump is obnoxious I’m not sure how much harm he actually causes. And he was being led by Roger stone and others most of the way anyway when at his worst. I think it’s strange territory where states are trying to keep him off the ballot on fairly spurious grounds. That’s dangerous precedent.

Apart from being Irish

Ah now. Hes not even in the same league as tubridy

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In fairness to joe, he was far worse when he had his wits about him

Most powerful country in the World and they choosing between sleepy Joe and Trump.


He’d be the best president they’d ever have, if only they had the intelligence to realise they’d prosper more under socialim. Their fear of having access to free education and healthcare is one of the most baffling things I’ve ever witnessed.


I wonder are there Germans that tell themselves the same thing.

In barely newsworthy news, pathetic cuckold Ron De Santis has dropped out and endorsed Trump.

De Santis’s slogan was “Never Back Down”.