US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

That all seems doomsday calender about on schedule, with the east loving the long game right now…knowing that the west’s addiction to fast results is slowly grinding them down and it’s politicians unable to see beyond blink of an eye election cycles whilst manicuring their legacies.

I’m in no way way worried about the far right in Ireland, at least not yet. I did get a little alarmed at the moving of boundaries or something similar to that in Irish constituencies and suspected that it could have been a gerrymandering move by FFG, as a knee-jerk reaction to Shinner fear for the next election but hadn’t the mental bandwidth to even study the details at the time, nor do I now. I didn’t notice any media backlash from SF so guessing it was done in good faith for the whole country.

Are you anticipating an invasion from those who just hate our freedom?

Anybody not worried about the far right in Ireland has their head in the sand. Peter Casey went from 1% to 23% overnight when he decided to target Travellers. 1 in 3 people say they’d vote for an anti-immigrant party. We already have a significant far right presence in the Dail. They’re called rural “independents”. The information landscape is massively biased towards the far right’s lies. Sinn Fein itself has a problem because there is a section of its support base that is far right and it has decided to try and keep them onside. That cannot lead to anything good. Flag waving nationalism in and of itself is far right entity by nature. Sinn Fein has tried to dismiss that fact up to now but it’s now flying up in their faces. They’re very naively attempting a balancing act that is impossible. You can’t balance appealing to woke with appealing to fascism. The two are diametrically opposed to each other.

We gave up our freedom the day we accepted a packet of little soldiers from one of our parents.

Ya I can see the whole world being absolutely destroyed in the next few months.

That’s of course if we don’t have a day after tomorrow type ice age first.

It could be a tinderbox alright. Especially if cost of living rises, and people start finding the struggle harder. Even here, I was in the LIDL a few days ago and I threw in one of those paper brown bags and it awkwardly fell behind the counter. When I went to pack my groceries, I went to retrieve it and noticed the abandoned shopping baskets. I could be jumping to conclusions, but the first thing that entered my head was that there are people who can’t afford the groceries in the cheapest outlets.

Sinn Fein are in a pickle there, undeniably. They’ve got the woke crew, AND the gun-totin’ hillbillies and both sides want them to show their cards. Not an enviable situation.

Maybe that asteroid thing will do us all a favour.

In these situations the far right wins because they lie and because they identify a targeted group to blame everything on - immigrants.

They pretend to be “against the system” and against the government as well but what that is is a campaign to deny the very existence of facts, of context, of reality. It’s also a campaign to try and bully any decent people out of politics.

If you deny facts, context and reality, you create the ground to pin all the blame on immigrants. Nothing motivates people more than anger and a sense of injustice, even if it is fake. Nothing drives mob behaviour like a chance to kick down on a group you perceive to be beneath you, a group who are portrayed as the source of all your problems, with you as the entirely virtuous, entirely blameless victim, a victim of what, you don’t even have to know.

That march in Dublin the other day was a warning. It was filled with cranks and bigots and malcontents, but there are many more people out there who falsely consider themselves to be part of “respectable” society - part of Middle Ireland, who will also buy this hate filled nonsense. The sort of people who voted Peter Casey, or vote for Mattie McGrath or Michael Healy Rae or Noel Grealish, or read David Quinn or Eilis O’Hanlon in the Sindo.

“Respectable” conservatism in the UK and US started this headlong drive into madness decades ago. Rupert Murdoch was the ally of so called “respectable” conservatism. He’s been poisoning the information environment for over 50 years. The groundwork that was put in by Murdoch and the Kochs and the Institute Of Economic Affairs and the evangelical movement in the US is all paying off for them now. They were always fascists. “Respectable” conservatism in the UK and US always relied on lies and divide and rule tactics. “Respectable” conservatism is a large part of the reason why we’ve ended up with housing shortages and people struggling to buy groceries. There are lots of other reasons. Addictions of various kinds make up most of them.

The pillar of Scandinavian moderation has always been the trade unions and the responsible partnership model they have with employers. When you destroy trade unions, you destroy society. In the UK and US and to a lesser but still significant extent in Ireland, trade unions were portrayed by the Murdoch (in Ireland O’Reilly/O’Brien) media as public enemy number one.

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I think there is a lot of merit in what you say but you are far too doomsday about the whole thing. Do you think there is room for right of centre or conservative opinions at all? Surely that’s what most of the Mattie McGrath type voters are. They aren’t fascists and either is Mattie himself. He’s a conservative minded old school old fashioned man from rural Ireland. Albeit he is a populist cunt but he’s very representative of a certain type of fella and generation and probably genuinely believes most of what he says. I think calling him or his type far right or fascist devalues the threat of the Gavin pepper Derek blighe types.

Sure Mattie McGrath associates with the Gavin Pepper/Derek Blighe types. He identified himself as being on the side of the people who were shouting at women and children in Roscrea. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

You just can’t conceive of him of as far right because he’s an oul’ fella who speaks with a rural accent. You can only imagine fascists as being Gavin Pepper types.

The majority of fascists aren’t like Gavin Pepper. The Gavin Peppers are an essential part of the fascist spectrum because they provide the clear and present threat to people’s physical safety which fascism always has to have. That’s what they’re there to do. The Mattie McGraths and the Noel Grealishes are there to normalise these ideologies and make them seem unthreatening when in reality they are deeply threatening.

There’s an alarming amount of ignorance about how this works and much of it exists in the media itself. Other elements in the media welcome the rise of a far right threat and welcome the opportunity to platform far right actors because it benefits them in terms of clicks.

Complete and utter nonsense. Public unions in Ireland agreed to a 10.25% pay rise over two and a half years. Ireland has strong unions in areas like transport and health but public transport and medical care in large swathes of the country is utterly abysmal.

You mention Scandinavia as this bastion of virtue - Sweden has admitted it made a catastrophic mistake taking in so many asylum seekers and so is changing course. Have you seen the gang violence death numbers over there?

And in Denmark, they have used their opt out to stop taking further asylum seekers in. A perfectly sensible option. Ireland has this option too, but in a desperate attempt to get a pat on the head from Brussels refuses to enact it. This at a time when we have 700 male asylum seekers sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin.

It’s not racist or far right to point out these facts. The Far Right has a tiny presence in this country, thankfully.

Ordinary people querying how people can get off a flight with no passport - when they had one getting on - and questioning why deportations are not enforced is perfectly reasonable.

Painting everyone as racist or fascist who disagrees with you makes you look and sound like an arsehole.

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Far right here, far right there…

I see far right people

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The two dopes there agreeing, nodding away everything they don’t like is anti-democratic, when in fact there’s actually public support for most of the big talking points they line up against. Clown 1 agreeing with Clown 2 they can’t find big enough clown shoes.

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I would doubt Mattie McGrath has said anything that the vast majority of rural aul fellas wouldnt agree with. They’re not fascists they are just aul fellas who were brought up in a different background to you and think differently.
What have been his most far right or fascist statements?

Again, you demonstrate that you think that anybody with a particular accent and manner can’t be a fascist.

If you’re publicly associating with fascists, you’ve pinned your colours to the mast. McGrath has done that.

This from a clown that worships Vivek Ramaswamy. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Mentally ill mate. Wokism is a mental illness. Horrendously low self-esteem and a deep need to be liked, at any cost.


Sweden’s homicide rate is lower than it was in 1990. It has basically the same homicide rate as Ireland. Sweden has over three times the amount of guns that Ireland has. Maybe look at the gun situation as the main reason why there is gun crime? Having a right to a gun is a big hobby horse of the far right though, and not just in America.

In terms of places in Europe with gun crime, Ireland of the 1970s and 1980s was some place. Sure let’s bring that back. When the country was “safe”, apparently.

You’ve just made that figure up about 700 migrants sleeping on the streets of Dublin. 118 people were sleeping on the streets of Dublin as of November 2023.

If you’re focussing on asylum seekers as a major issue when the numbers of asylum seekers coming in are a drop in the ocean in real terms, you’re not only an arsehole and a gobshite but you’re parrotting the far right and showing you live in a fantasy land in which Ireland should divorce itself entirely from anything happening in the rest of the world.

Not a peep out of you or the racist gobshites here as regards actual criminal activity in this state like the arson attacks.

What demonstrates an irrational need to be liked as well as deep mental illness is a group of racists licking each others holes while refusing to debate people they hate. Yis are forced to lick each others’ holes because yis hate everybody else and yis have nobody else.

A category you fall right into.

I’m extremely mentally ill and suicidal at the moment as I’ve said several times here because I face a health condition which leads me to believe suicide is the rational option, but my mental illness has precisely nothing to do with the reasons for your mental illness, and the mental illness of Russian Nazi genocide supporters like @glenshane and @Kyle, supporters of Israeli Nazi genocide like @Tierneevin1979, and the other general racist plankton here.

That reason for your and their mental illness is genuine self hatred. With that type of self hatred comes hatred of anybody who doesn’t want to drown society in hate filled bullshit. In your cases, that self hatred is entirely a choice. That swastika on your profile picture is an statement of where you are in your hate filled little pea brain.

Read over your post again. With youse lot, every accusation is a confession.

I hope you get help mate. One thing is for sure, ranting online is doing you no good.

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