US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

you mean the armed forces; theres also the air force, marine corps, navy and coast guard. a lot of whom are drawn from poorer areas and would necessarily be on the side of the democrats. sure look at any civil war and theres generally a schism in the armed forces.

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I don’t think the US army would intervene to overturn an election. I think that if a civil war were to happen, hugely unlikely, it would come from the far-right wannabe militias. I think that in that civil war scenario the US army would quash it.

congrats on the new tattoo @glenshane


Yeah the lot of them, the military. I think they would side with the elected candidate in that type of civil war scenario. I’d worry about the police forces.

Rory steward said trump will win in a landslide and the left will go beserk. Trump will then put the army on the streets.

He said that’s the scenario he sees playing out.

i think youre wrong. theres also the issue as to when posse comitatus arises

They love posses.

the dems would love to grab trump by the posse


I wasn’t talking about overturning elections. Biden will lose the election anyway and what happened at the weekend has pretty much put the kibosh on notions of him pulling out, because the Democrats are utterly useless at politics.

The point is the US Army will enthusiastically row in behind American fascism - which will be the waging of a civil war by Trump’s fascists - come January when Trump is president again.

I would say it’s doubtful there will even be an election in 2028 and if there is it’ll be a Putin style “election”, with Trump anointed again.

It’s a bad state of affairs alright but I don’t agree with most of that.


Not Working Oh No GIF by Nickelodeon

But you don’t give any reasoning for disagreeing with it.

Why? Because you lack imagination and foresight and can only imagine what has gone before in your lifetime. That’s the sort of thinking that bedevils Democrats and it’s why they’re so shit at politics. They don’t understand history and they don’t understand psychology.

Even now you have Biden “standing down” from campaigning and talking about “cooling rhetoric”. This is the talk of a loser.

A right wing nut tried to shoot a Nazi. Trump reaped the bitter harvest of hatred HE sowed. This is nothing to do with Democrats or anybody on the “left”. It was an internal Nazi matter.

Trump is now an even bigger danger to basic freedoms than he was on Saturday afternoon, and he will only get worse.

So now that he’s right wing you don’t believe it was fake?


When people disagree with you, you don’t always have to respond with insults. Maybe you could lower your political temperature a small bit?


I never believed it was a fake, I was quite obviously taking the piss out of the Trump loving conspiracist morons on this site. If you’re not smart enough to see that, that’s your problem.

What I also said is that anybody who believes that Trump is not capable of staging a fake assassination attempt is deluded. Which they are.

Trump is absolutely capable of such because he’s a Nazi, and that’s what Nazis have always done.

He and his cult are also more than capable of unleashing a spate of real assassinations - and they have already tried to do this.

I didn’t insult you. Your problem is you take any critical analysis of your irrational position as an insult.

When people disagree with me and offer no rational basis for doing so, I expose their lack of reasoning.

Which I did above with you.

You’re continuing to prove my point.



Poor @Julio_Geordio is seething. :joy:

It’s a live performance art installation :joy::joy:


If you have a look back at the series of posts there, you’ll see you made a few couple of assertions that were just pure speculation, no reasoning behind them at all. I just said I disagreed with them. Your response was that that was because I lack imagination and foresight. You then asserted that you exposed my lack of a rational basis or reasoning for disagreeing with your speculative assertions for which you offered no rational basis or reasoning.

Up will be down cries sid. I don’t think up will be down I say. You have no basis for disagreeing me so you’ve proved my point says sid.

I’m sure you can see how silly you look.