US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

Thatā€™s the one.

I donā€™t think constantly comparing trump to hitler is doing yourself undermines a lot of your good points.

JD Vance compared Trump to Hitler. Heā€™s now a strong contender to be his running mate.

Why donā€™t you contact Mr. Vance with your concerns about his rhetoric?

People can bury their heads in the sand if they like, but they shouldnā€™t then complain when fascism triumphs.

Always when authoritarianism is on the warpath, actual truth tellers - of which there are never enough, tell people what is happening, and always, always, always, you get minimisers who are either too cowardly to admit they support fascism (Labane was a classic example) or people who refuse to acknowledge the bleedinā€™ obvious and/or place an unwarranted trust in institutions as a ā€œsaviourā€ (like you and Glasagusban).

JD Vance is a classic example of how fascism wins. Initially heā€™s not a fascist, and actually says what he sees - that Trump is a potential Hitler. Heā€™s not wrong.

Then he becomes cowed, because the potential Hitler develops a fanatical cult. Opposing that is hard. It takes work, and itā€™s intimidating, because the cult will threaten you, possibly with your life.

So Vance takes the easy way out. He joins the cult because he canā€™t beat it. And he likes the adulation. He gets high on it. Itā€™s like drugs. He tries to become more culty than even the cultiest of the cultists.

And he succeeds. But heā€™s always fearful that the potential Hitler will remember that he opposed him at the start. That the cult will remember, and turn on him. So that means heā€™s afraid, always afraid, heā€™s petrified of being thrown out of the cult. So thatā€™s a driver to be even more culty again. To plead total and utter loyalty to the Fuhrer.

Thatā€™s how the Israel lobby works too. Itā€™s how any cult works.

Vance has now so successfully prostituted himself, so removed any pride or self-respect he once had, that he is almost a completely different person who cannot remember any of his previous free life. He is now a slave, a voluntary slave, and yes, there is a sexual element to it all. Heā€™s a cuck. He gets high on that idea.

This process has consumed the entire Republican party. Ted Cruz was the highest profile early victim.

By jaysus itā€™s pathetic to watch human beings voluntarily strip themselves of any shred of dignity they might have ever had.

But itā€™s far more serious than that because the voluntary prostitution of Vance and the rest of the Republican party will have disastrous consequences for us all.

Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota and Senator Marco Rubio have been told that neither one will be Donald J. Trumpā€™s running mate, according to four people briefed on the matter.

Both men were among the top three contenders to join the former presidentā€™s ticket, raising the prospect that the third person, Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, may be announced this afternoon as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Mr. Trump has, however, considered a wide field of potential running mates and has a history of making last-minute decisions that surprise even his closest advisers.

I enjoyed Hillbilly Elergy but everything I have seen, heard and read by or about Vance since it would make me think that the guy is a complete shill with absolutely no backbone.


Vance now confirmed by Trump.

You can see in this video a bullet hits hydraulic hose on a tractor/forklift. If that is fake itā€™s a fine job that was done.

If only we had a forklift driver on the forum to debunk this staged attack.

It also suggests the flag was added to the ā€œiconicā€ photo ?


Way to attribute things I didnā€™t say to me. More top deb8ing. Your pal labane was nakedly a racist and fascist supporter, so youā€™re wrong there too.

Well youā€™d hardly expect Trump to pick anything else?

Well he said he wasnā€™t even though he was.

And you have a naive faith in institutions as ā€œsavioursā€, even though you say you donā€™t.

In a way I donā€™t blame you, because to work in such an institution, you probably have to have a sincere if naive faith that institutions are ā€œbulwarksā€.

But in reality they arenā€™t, they fold like cheap tents when faced with a real fascist threat.

Ok pal. Youā€™ve just made stuff up and attributed it to me again. Youā€™re coming across as rather dumb today.

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Try not to impersonate @Perez2017, it doesnā€™t suit you.

Itā€™s all very suspicious

Russell Brand is enroute to Milwaukee to the RNC. Has he gone full circle? I know heā€™s friends with fox now but

Another swing and a miss.

Welcome to five years ago


I said it the other day. The secret service wanted him dead and they let Your man have a shot.

This is beyond amateur hour stuff.