US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

One for the roaster thread

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There’s an archetypal American NGO middle manager at the next table who quite seriously is like David Brent on steroids. 15 mins of management vomit at volume 11 to a table of beautiful local folk, before expounding on the COFfeee at KRUgerrr not being served early enough.
What a monumental wanker, and these lads running the world as they see fit.
The Brits just changed accents and got louder.

Could you set the scene a little? What “next table”, why is there a table of “beautiful local folk”? Local to where? What’s with the KRU and the COF. What does this have to do with the 24 election?

Trump pissing all over the Medal of Honour is fairly amusing - in particular seeing a whole lot of military worshiping MAGA types online trying to defend his remarks when it’s fairly clear they’d reach purple levels of outrage if a democrat had said anything close to similar.

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I actually lol’ed when I heard him going on about it. He’s turned into a parody of himself

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Harris just needs to sit there quietly and let him self destruct. Every day he comes out without another stream of nonsense


"It’s actually much better because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they are dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman.”

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It was nice to see him talking warmly about a Palestinian.

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Why has he got such an issue with the military? Didn’t he make some crazy comments last time too which offended some important military folk and cost him a vital state?

I’d say because he never served himself he has a chip on his shoulder about it.


Life is all about timing isn’t it. Imagine if Biden dropped out a week before trump organised the fake assassination attempt and Harris was already running. It could have halted all momentum.

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It’s a game of chess.

What he said about McCain was despicable,how anyone in the service votes for this draft dodger unbelievable.


Looks like the democrats played trump and his clown supporters like a fiddle.

They let him throw every bit of shite he had at Joe Biden the past few months and now it counts for absolutely nothing.


AOC casually ating a bucket of fried chicken and hilary carrying around a bottle of hot sauce…and now this comprehensive appeal to the various demographics.
It’s as contrived and insincere as a taylor swift ‘era’.

You fucking weirdo.



You’re doing a lot of lashing out lately. Is everything ok?

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Probably better Trump wasn’t drafted, he’d have just ridden a load of prostitutes and shot his commander in the back.

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I think drink has been taken