US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

He could surely get a bump from a new Kevin mcmananamon type though.

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Who is? There is no potential replacement who could benefit Trumpā€™s campaign.

Biden pulled out because of age.

Sacking a VP candidate you picked is a total repudiation of not just him but you and your judgment.

Politics isnā€™t football.

Brilliant :clap:
Trump is one of the only issues where I donā€™t ā€˜just ask questionsā€™. Heā€™s a thoroughbred cunt and a dangerous bastard

Of course sheā€™s going to win, a dog with a mallet up itā€™s hole should be able to win.

This is a misconception. When youā€™re up against a fascist itā€™s very hard to win. Fascism is unfortunately very popular and there has never been a toy better suited to promoting fascism than the INTERNET.

The Democrats did not pick Vance as Trumpā€™s running mate. Trump did. I honestly think this will come to be seen as one of the worst political mistakes of all time.

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Kennedy, like Vance, is a prostitute. Hanging out in the car park at the Republican convention hoping for a job like Peter Odemwingie hanging around the Loftus Road car park hoping to get signed by QPR.

He will pull out if Trumpā€™s people crunch the numbers and tell him he needs to pull out.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. struggles to gain traction amid unification on both sides

Far from trying to capitalize on the moment of upheaval, the independent candidate is canceling events.


07/24/2024 12:52 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump has solidified Republican support in the wake of an assassination attempt and unity-building national convention, while Vice President Kamala Harris has seamlessly stepped into the Democratic nomination after President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy.

But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is nowhere to be seen.

Instead of campaigning, the independent challenger has canceled multiple campaign events and discussed dropping out of the race and backing Trump. Instead of raising serious donations, heā€™s continuing to rely on his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, and set up a joint fundraising committee with the Libertarian Party. Instead of moving up in the polls, where heā€™s been stagnant for months, Kennedy has called for himself to be picked as the Democratic nominee to replace Biden.

Kennedy, who was once seen as a historic outside disruptor to the presidential race, remains a threat ā€” if he can be a spoiler in a few key states in a close presidential race.

ā€œOne would think that any well-heeled, well-known independent or third party challenger should have been able to gain some momentum, and it almost seems that the Kennedy campaign went backwards during the post-debate coverage,ā€ said Christopher Thrasher, a ballot access attorney and political consultant who has advised multiple independent and third party campaigns.

But far from trying to capitalize on the moment of upheaval, Kennedy had to issue a statement on social media during the Republican National Convention last week to deny he was leaving the race ā€” after he took a private meeting in Milwaukee with Trump to discuss dropping out. Officially, his campaign continues to insist heā€™s ā€œsurging,ā€ including in an email to supporters on Tuesday morning.

The campaign did not respond to a request for comment and list of questions for this story.

But new details about the meeting, which was facilitated by Tucker Carlson, suggest that Kennedy was considering suspending his campaign in exchange for a potential job in a second Trump administration. The two discussed the possibility of a job with a health-related portfolio in exchange for the political family scionā€™s support, according to a person familiar with the conversation granted anonymity to discuss the private meeting. The Washington Post first reported the readout of the meeting.

The position floated for Kennedy was undetermined, but the idea fell apart, the person familiar with the conversation said.

ā€œThere was a widespread expectation in the Kennedy camp that Trump was going to make the deal, which was why he stayed in Milwaukee for several days,ā€ said Ben Braddock, a health commentator close to the campaign. ā€œAs of last Thursday morning the buzz was that there would be an appearance on the final night. Maybe the Trump campaign decided it was better for Kennedy to stay in to bleed votes from Biden.ā€

Trump and Kennedy also had a phone conversation on Sunday before the in-person meeting in Milwaukee, according to a second person familiar with how the call came together. In a leaked video revealing part of that phone conversation, Trump expressed concerns about the side effects of infant vaccines ā€” an area of Kennedyā€™s advocacy before he ran for president last year.

This isnā€™t the first time Trump and Kennedy met about a possible job opportunity. They had a similar discussion during the transition period at Trump Tower in 2017. After the meeting, Kennedy told Science magazine that he was under consideration to oversee a vaccine safety review commission. A Trump spokesperson at the time declined that any decisions had been made.

While Kennedy did not ultimately secure a job offer, it did result in Trumpā€™s team brokering a meeting between then-NIH head Anthony Fauci and Kennedy.

The most recent conversations with Trump came as the campaign struggles financially and is carrying $3 million worth of debt, according to its most recent financial disclosures. Kennedy has spent more money than he has raised in the last four consecutive months in the race, when excluding the self-funding contributions from Shanahan.

In a new attempt to raise cash, Kennedy set up a joint-fundraising committee with the Libertarian Party, according to a campaign press release. That would allow both Kennedy and the Libertarians to raise more money from individual donors, potentially helping the campaignā€™s money woes. But the plan was immediately met with pushback from within its ranks and is being appealed on the basis that it violates its bylaws.

Kennedy has also canceled a series of campaign events in the last two weeks, including a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, a live-audience interview at the CNN-POLITICO Grill at the RNC and a farm visit in Wisconsin.

His last campaign rally was on May 19 in Denver, Colorado, though he has secured speaking slots at conventions and with other hosts in the interim. The next event on his public schedule is a private reception and an address at a Bitcoin conference later this week.

To promote his viability, Kennedyā€™s team released new internal polling numbers that showed him performing well in a head-to-head matchup against Trump on Sunday.

ā€œKennedy is in no way dropping out. Thatā€™s not going to happen,ā€ Larry Sharpe, a third party political consultant who works with the super PAC backing Kennedy, said on Monday. ā€œThere is a higher chance of the Democrats putting him on their ticket than him dropping out. And Democrats are not going to put him on a ticket.ā€

Even Nazi Richard Spencer is getting embarrassed by the MAGA cultā€™s desperate search for attack lines against Harris.

Two random thoughts:

The best thing the republicans can do now is nothing. Hand Harris the mike. Thereā€™s a reason she has been kept behind closed doors for so long. Iā€™d expect Trump will destroy her in a debate. Whatever thatā€™s worth these days.

Harris getting the nomination really hammers home how important your VP pick can be. And that in turn makes picking JD Vance such a bad move from the republicans. Heā€™s only a heartbeat away from being president and would be the VP to man heading into his 80s.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Itā€™s mad right, itā€™s almost like they donā€™t care about responsible governing.

Trump is afraid of women. Thatā€™s why he wonā€™t debate because he knows heā€™ll lose.

Heā€™ll lose his mind if challenged on any of his nonsense.

Iā€™d say itā€™s like the last days of hitler in trumps camp at the moment.

I predict a trump solo implosion over the next few weeks.

90% of what somebody says is not what the person is saying but who is saying it, as somebody once said.

Harris being the candidate instead of Biden effectively changes who Trump is. It changes what he is. Harrisā€™s presence as the opposition suddenly exposes Trump as the rapey criminal traitorous monster he is. Trump suddenly becomes the old demented lecher. Itā€™s a totally different psychological dynamic to that which existed with Biden as candidate.

Everything Trump now says will be judged through that lens.

The reason I was so keen on Whitmer being the candidate was she was perfectly placed to expose Trump as the rapey criminal traitor he is, simply because she looks and sounds so different to him. But Harris is well placed to do that too.

Trump is the one running away from a debate, not Harris, which tells you Trump is fully aware of how this psychology plays out with the public. Chickening out is damage limitation. But it will be damage.

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Iā€™d say itā€™s trumps team that donā€™t want him to do the debate.

Trump would love to do it because heā€™s such an idiot he doesnā€™t realise how badly heā€™ll come across.

I luv you an all kid but Harris will absolutely rinse Trump in a debate

Weā€™ll see buddy. I wouldnā€™t count either as a master (de)bater but I think Harris is weak. Trump is very unorthodox.

What are her main strengths there mike?

Iā€™d ride her


Poor girl cant catch a break


Well Iā€™d ride her on the new table.