US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

And not waiting till his second term to do it

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I’d say becoming president would reduce trump’s life expectancy dramatically

It’d be like Hitler gaining power then losing the election in 1934 and waiting to 1938 to get serious on the Nazi front.

Do you honestly think he wouldnt like to change the rules around elections or himself doing two terms? Sure he 100pc thought he’d beat Biden the last time and was cheated out of it. He thought he had another four years. What do you think meant in the video above?

There’s a Constitution that underpins US rule of law and democracy. There are lots of checks and balances on what a US President can do.

Keeping the Balance: What a President Can Do and Cannot Do


  • make treaties with the approval of the Senate.
  • veto bills and sign bills.
  • represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.
  • enforce the laws that Congress passes.
  • act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.
  • call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.
  • make suggestions about things that should be new laws.
  • lead his political party.
  • entertain foreign guests.
  • recognize foreign countries.
  • grant pardons.
  • nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials.
  • appoint ambassadors.
  • talk directly to the people about problems.
  • represent the best interest of all the people


  • make laws.
  • declare war.
  • decide how federal money will be spent.
  • interpret laws.
  • choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval.

What if Republicans control the Congress and Senate?

Then he has a better chance to put through his policies but he needs them to vote in favour

He still can’t suspend or terminate the Constitution. If he acts outside Constitution it would get interesting alright but I don’t see it going that far.
States have lots of power too.

I was in NY when he got elected and suspended rights of green card holders from some countries. It wasn’t pleasant but that was sorted

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So what was he trying to say in the above video?

It seems like the vast majority of Republican politicians are almost completely in his control now and do whatever he wants though. What do you think he meant in the video above about no elections in 4 years?

Trump only cares about Trump. In 4 years he doesn’t care if you vote/you don’t have to vote because he won’t be running.

Lads, you can forget about Trump being a threat to free society, the real threat is Richard Boyd Barrett.

The self appointed expert has spoken.

Did he say no elections or that you won’t have to vote?

Trump doesn’t care who votes in 4 years. He’s done then.

…did you watch the video and hear when he was saying? “It will be fixed, it will be fine.” “You won’t have to vote anymore.”

Yeah. Again Trump only cares about Trump. That’s my view of it.

If he tries to overthrow or suspend constitution what do you think would happen. He’s an 80 year old man.

US military swear an oath not to President but to defend US Constitution against all enemies both internal and external. Are you suggesting civil war ?

Ah yes, was that on his inauguration day and he signed a load of executive orders which ended up being overturned?

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Yeah. In fairness it caused some panic at the time.

Luckily it’s not like the President of the Heritage Foundation is openly threatening bloodshed in a revolution or anything if the fascists don’t get what they want.

Luckily Trump hasn’t tried to launch a coup against democracy or anything.

These things only exist in the minds of people like me. They’re not real, apparently.

I’d have absolutely no time for Trump

But I don’t think he had any real idea what he was saying, he was just bragging about how he’d have everything cleared up

The man is an absolute idiot, a clown, there really are no words for people who think he should be in the big job,
I think plenty of people would rather see the world burn than put up with harmless woke nonsense

People always think the likes of Trump are “clowns”. It’s a very basic mistake. The outward “clownish” persona is essential to mask the true intent.

“Flood the zone with bullshit.” The Trumpists literally tell you their strategy.

The truth is there are tens of millions of people in America who would rather a dictator be installed and America burn than put up with basic civil rights for people who don’t look like them.

And there are many hundreds of millions more white people in America and around the world who do not actively support Trump’s fascism but have no regard for the people it harms. They do not care.

Trump has the Supreme Court in his arse pocket so anyone thinking there will be any constitutional checks on his actions is deluded. When they were appointed I had some faith that their legal training might not let them be sock puppets. I was wrong. They’ve been worse than I could have feared.