US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

Irish tourists rarely see the ‘real America’
So yes, it doesn’t matter who is president to the average Irish tourist


I laugh wryly when I read stuff like this.

Last time was a joke.

This time he’s surrounded by evil people who’ are using him to get into power.

Right up until the late 1930s, Germany was successfully promoting itself as the ideal place to vacation, its smiling people overflowing with gemĂŒtlichkeit and eager to please, unlike the stuck-up and dirty French. “By 1937 the number of American visitors to the Reich approached half a million per annum,” Boyd reports. After all, the land of Goethe and Beethoven had much to offer: Picturesque scenery, lots of theater and music, delicious beer and sausages, the best universities in the world, the popular Oberammergau Passion Play and even a youth culture that fostered politeness and self-denial, along with physical health, team spirit and patriotism. What’s more, the country was full of attractive blonds, of both sexes: “Over 10 million packets of hair dye were sold in 1934.” There seemed, in short, much to admire, not to say envy, in the new Germany.

As usual, most tourists regarded it as rude to comment on, let alone criticize, their host nation’s internal affairs. However, they generally came home convinced that the FĂŒhrer was a man of peace, not just the country’s George Washington — as former British prime minister David Lloyd George called him— but practically a saint. He had restored pride and purposefulness to a beaten-down people; he was remaking Germany into the great nation it deserved to be.

It’s never been a joke.

However the role of internet trolling and attempts at “comedy” in the modern rise of fascism deserves to become the subject of academic scholarship.

The role of “flooding” information spaces with bullshit will be a key topic of future academic scholarship. That’s if America still has real universities - real education and real academic study being a key enemy of Trumpist fascism.

Trump was a joke. He got in by default and had no plan. This time he’s evil people surrounding him.

Ah I see.

Yeah, sure a load of Americans never see it

The fact that you now accept he is part of an evil cabal is proof it was never a joke. He always had those people on his side, just not overtly enough.

America has had 240 years of democratic institutions. It takes time to wear those down. But wearing down and crumbling they are.

Putin didn’t start off by invading Ukraine. He was treated as a pushover at first. He built gradually to what he is now.

Hitler didn’t start off with the Holocaust. He was treated as a joke too. Everybody treated him as a joke.

In neither Russia nor Germany was there 240 years of democratic institutions to wear down.

Quite a lot of people deported without warning, families broken up etc. I’d say there was probably a long term impact on some of the children that ended up in cages and split up from their families with no records of their connections. Then there’s abortion rights and things like that too.

So I think you’re probably being a bit blasĂ© about the whole thing.

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I think he’s more of a puppet tbh.

Great book.

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A small price to pay for the Wokies to get a bloody nose

That’s it. Sadly that’s the attitude of the likes of @Heyyoubehindthebushes.

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“I’m alright Jack”.

That’s the attitude of everybody who downplays Trump.

“First they came for the Communists

The United States of America is a collection of vastly different economies and people. It’s amazing really how cohesive it has been. That’s in part I think to the job they did in fostering loyalty to the flag, the glorious history, the military

. I was there a decade or so ago and thought that the fetishisation of the flag and the military and uniforms was quite fascist in creating something abstract people bought into. People were happy to do so. You see an American flag more than you see any other country’s flag I think. Thank you for your service.


And that all started with Trump and ended with Biden?

Sad to see that @TheUlteriorMotive has revealed himself as a Trump apologist.

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Some of us had him twigged years ago. He’s the exact same personality type as Labane.

You’d have to be some simpleton to be letting the “woke agenda” decide which way your vote will go.

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Hi guys, I know a lot of you are quite intelligent and are merely ball hopping but there’s quite a few lads here who are a bit impressionable and easily led. Please be careful.

Be zen.