US Presidential Election 2024 - Open the Kimono


The truth is that he has done badly since 2016.

His in here was the enthusiasm of his base vs. the lack of Dems enthusiasm, combined with inflation (for the swing voters). He wasnā€™t pissing off the swing voter when railing again Joe Biden.

His schtick is old. 20 million US voters have died since Trump was elected prez, and have been replaced by Gen Zā€™ers, and his shit doesnā€™t fly with them. All he has left now is the uneducated white racists, billionaires, and the evangelicalsā€¦who he is in danger of losing also as heā€™s trying to pivot on abortion, as he knows the issue is killing his campaign. Dudeā€™s on the ropes, but he hasnā€™t been counted out yet.

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Pro-Trump troll accounts are stealing the real photos of actual European women to use as Twitter profile pictures.

Yeah, not totally creepy at all.

Iā€™d be willing to wager more billionaires will vote Democrat than Republican

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From that very article

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Itā€™ll be some cluster fuck if she doesnā€™t win from here. Not even a woman could blow this

Trump is a woeful cunt of a human.

Kamala will continue to answer yes to big corporations who inevitably will watch the world burn and count their profits.

It just canā€™t change without a proper 3rd party.

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I still reckon on balance Trump holds North Carolina so that keeps him on the 235 that he currently holds. The pathway for Trump looks narrower. Youā€™d imagine if Trump is going to win heā€™s going to have to win the two that he most narrowly lost last time and which have typically leaned more GOP in modern times - Arizona and Georgia. The 27 votes there would get him to 262. The ongoing feud with Governor Kemp in Georgia is not helping him there.

Iā€™d imagine that the Democrats will hold Michigan and Nevada. Trump is still holding up in Wisconsin but I would expect the Democrats to win there too.

Bottom line for Trump then is itā€™s down to Pennsylvania.

According to cnn tonight the governor of Georgia has made his peace with trump and will campaign for him.

Trump is a despicable human.

He doesnā€™t give one jot about anybody bar himself. Itā€™s about money for him and keeping himself out of jail.

Shame on the lads that support him thinking itā€™s amusing or to prove some sort of point on here.


Good podcast on the daily there about how thereā€™s zero prove trumps policy of tariffing goods imported does anything only drive up the price of goods.

Itā€™s populist rubbish.

I have a huge interest in the US Presidential election, any election really. I just havenā€™t had the time up to now to get on top of the recent trends. Iā€™ve had a good look at it this evening now.


America needs a man with multiple bankruptcies behind him to improve the economy.

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@carryharry is coming over to the dark side

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His tactic is simple.

Turn the people on the bottom off the ladder against the immigrants.

These two groups need to group together and turn on trump and his ilk.

South Park had this 20 years ago.
In the US youā€™re basically voting for a Douche or a Turd Sandwich.
America is broken. Doesnā€™t matter a flying fuck who wins the election thatā€™s not going to change. If anything the country is going to become more polarised as time goes on.
Trump is an egomanical sociopath in it only for his own ends, whilst Kamala Harris is a genocide supporting empty suit.
One of these clowns is going to be ā€œthe leader of the free worldā€
Fuck me!


Itā€™s which cunt is more bearable tbh.

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