US Presidential Election 2024 - Open the Kimono

Obese people and old people

Woodyā€™s in for RFK

RFK is Americas only hope to stop Trump and return the country to normality

Unfortunately for RFK he is running for the wrong party. Him vs Trump might actually be a race.

Something like 80% of democrats approve of sleepy Joe

Democrats will destroy his chances, they are poison. They destroyed Bernies chances. Amazing how shit they went to after Obama left

Heā€™s obviously running as a chaos agent candidate on behalf of the Trump/Russia/right-wing industrial bullshit machine cabal.

Thereā€™s a non-insignificant chance heā€™ll be Trumpā€™s running mate in 2024.

Biden would be happy enough Vs Trump youā€™d imagine. Chris Christie would be a lot more dangerous

Chris Christie would probably win a presidential election but he obviously hasnā€™t a prayer of winning a Republican primary.

It will be very interesting to see what happens though if he decides to give Trump a taste of his own medicine and wind the fuck out of him, which I think he will. He has nothing to lose and that makes him dangerous, and I think he has the potential to seriously unsettle Trump. Trump will definitely be the candidate barring something unforeseen, his cult is rock solid while De Santis who was shaping up to be his only rival is utterly hapless and is finished, heā€™s been finished for months at this stage.

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Wtf was obama thinking when he let joe and hunter run round the globe carpet bagging the bejaysus put of russia, Ukraine and china?

Christie only lands a punch on Trump if Trump actually turns up to the debates but it looks like he might not bother as a) his star is so high now among republicans that he can only fall from here from being exposed in debates and b) by boycotting them heā€™s saying heā€™s above that nonsense and is the de facto automatic pick and his base will believe that narrative too.

Is it basically at a point where, despite trumpā€™s huge popularity among a significant minority, the only person biden could possibly beat is trump?

As things stand Trump cannot win the presidency as he wonā€™t get enough of the independent votes in swing states. The only thing that could change this is if the economy is in the toilet by Election Day.

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Someone who wants to end digging your heels in and refusing to compromise because you have different belief. Only candidate that recognises that.

America needs Camelot.

America needs four more years of a corrupt neoconservative warmongering senile degenerate. Anyone who says otherwise is a headbanger

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I think Biden would beat De Santis but De Santis wonā€™t be the candidate, he might well be finished in politics full stop his campaign has been that bad.

Itā€™s been glorious to see. De Santis has tried to out-Trump Trump but you canā€™t do that. Being a Trump is inherently tied to being a particular type of charismatic charlatan and De Santis is a total charisma vaccum.

Even if Trump loses in 2024 he might well be the candidate in 2028 again if heā€™s still alive, or at least another Trump might be. Right wing America (and the total weirdos abroad who unquestioningly lap up all the shit it throws out) really is that deep into the grip of cultism.

You seem mad about this fella. You do realise heā€™s a headbanger?

Kennedy is very popular with anti-vaccine weirdos who spend the rest of their time obsessing about UFOs.

I remember a year or two back there was a gathering of Trump/QAnon cultists at Dealey Plaza who were gathered there in the genuine belief that JFK Junior (the guy who was killed in a plane crash in 1999) was going to come back from the dead there and then, and team up with Trump as his ā€œvice presidentā€ (this was a year after Trump had been defeated by Biden).

Thereā€™s this totally bizarre crossover between some of the Trump cult and idolisation of the Kennedys (this is purely driven by a cult like worship of celebrity and obsession with an imagined past - though it does not include that Joe Kennedy chap with the red hair because heā€™s a mainstream Democratic politician who isnā€™t nuts) and this is why I think thereā€™s a non-insignificant chance Robert Kennedy eventually becomes Trumpā€™s running mate.

It wouldnā€™t overly surprise me to see Robert Kennedy turn up at such a gathering at the same spot on the 60th anniversary of his uncleā€™s assassination in a few monthsā€™ time, heā€™s that nuts.

The whole thing really is like extreme satire, but itā€™s real - and some of these headbangers walk among us here.

Discredit by being called a headbanger. In fairness Trump is a bigger headbanger. Im sure if we dig deep enough you could have a long list of American politicians from both partys that fall into that category

The word headbanger is indeed used as a word to dismiss and discredit somebody who deserves to be dismissed and discredited.

No flies on you.