US Presidential Election 2024 - Open the Kimono

He used a bail bondsman. Wtf? I thought he was a billionaire? So he burned away $20k when he could have just used his own $200k cash and gotten it all back. So either he doesn’t have $200k on hand, or he’s planning on doing a runner.

They’re estimating a cost of a million per defendant in legal fees.

I hear they’re going to indite the drfence lawyer’s defence lawyer’s defence lawyer’s defence lawyer’s.

That will be a cracking t shirt

The Apprentice mode engaged

Hes back on twitter.

She’s some fucking simpleton

@Tierneevin1979 has asked me to ask you the following question:

“74.7% of voters in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional district voted for her. Are you calling them simpletons?”

If I was answering this question my answer would be “Yes, yes I am”.

Every single one of them.

Simpletons or rich people who know she’s bought and stays bought

It’s sad that the western world is filling up with more people who can’t differentiate the true from the false. It’s also worrying, as the likes of Trump and other maniacs in this world have spotted this and capitalised on it for the gain of finance and power. The world needs to find a way to reverse this trend, through a tailoring of the education systems.

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Ramaswamy is an out and out con man and should be in prison. That seems to be characteristic Republicans demand of their presidential candidates.

If it wasn’t for Trump, Vivek would have a great chance. Ideal candidate for the modern Republican voter.

If it wasn’t for Trump, America would have a great chance.

Still greatest country in the world pal, warts and all.

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I believe this generation is witnessing the slow motion fall of a short lived empire, named America. Playing the part of the world’s Bad Lieutenant hasn’t helped as well as the gross abandonment of standards and investment in their education sector.

I dunno man, he’s saying some awful dumb shit. Not like Trump dumb, politically dumb.

He has crossed Israel now anyway so he’s finished. They run the US

An empire will fall? That’s a risky prediction mate

It’s fallen past the tipping point of no return in my opinion. It would take a radical change of culture in the political sphere to salvage it, which appears impossible. The Republicans won’t let the Democrats improve the country, out of fear that their success would guarantee them re-elected and vice versa, with the result being a once great nation going down the tubes slowly since probably the 1970’s.

Somebody should inform the millions of people trying to move there, many via dangerous journeys, that it’s now a shithole