USA Racewars

This guy was mistakenly named as a suspect. Not sure why…

About time the blacks went on the offensive.

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That is fucked up. They are a crazy shower of fuckers out in the states.

Bizarrely you can just walk around carrying that sort of a rifle in those parts.

Well at least it might speed up gun control efforts. Nothing gets America interested in gun control like politicised black men walking around with weapons.

I’d say they’d be more like to bring in Black Control than Gun Control in Texas.


The second amendment talk only applies to white people. Once black lads start walking around carrying rifles all that stuff disappears. That’s what happened with the Black Panthers in California when Republican hero Ronald Reagan was governor

California Governor Ronald Reagan was present when the protesters arrived and later commented that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons” and that guns were a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.”


Instead of black lives or white lives mattering, why don’t we all agree that no American life matters?


The US of A will ultimately rip itself apart like all good Empires

Jazzy Jeff knew



It’s in the constitution

Always gets me.

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I just watched the video of them shooting the lad on the ground. Fucking hell. That’s just straight up murder. What a fucking kip of a country. There’s a lot of things wrong with our shithole but at least the cops won’t shoot from point blank range while they have you held down

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No but they might shoot you in the face

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I watched a program called United States of Hate last night. Had it recorded from Monday. Fuck me its one messed up place. The white group BEAR were told not to protest outside the Nation of Islams Mosque and they agreed. All the while a counter protest made up of a black group showed up armed to the teeth with guns. One of the leaders of BEAR got wind and was going mad saying he was going to go down to the mosque and take all of them on! Worth a watch if it’s on iplayer.

Jesus Christ I just watched that. Land of the free my ass.

Sounds like a terrible place


Former congressman and conservative talk radio host tweeted this earlier. Later deleted it. :fearful::popcorn: