
Strange that the people of Panama mark it with a day of mourning isn’t it considering they got so much freedom

Mourning those who died in conflicts is a quite common practice, no? Are those that mourn those who died fighting for the Allies in WWII sad that the Nazis didn’t win?

he’s another one of these experts, that has never actually been there of course

The US has fuck all interest in capitalism or democracy and it has regularly intervened against democracy in South America. The reason Castro ever rose to power in the first place is that the US stooge Batista sold off all the assets in Cuba to US business interests for fuck all and revoked Cubans rights to strike/vote/assemble etc. So Cuba was a failed capitalist country long before it was a failed socialist one and capitalism in Cuba did not bring democracy to the people


I’m no socialist mate, but @anon7035031’s Ann and Barry version of history that the US is going around the World as a force for good bombing people into freedom and democracy is the most laughable thing I’ve seen in a long time.


You’d be writing that in German or Russian if it wasn’t for the US mate.


Really? Because the Russians occupied East Germany for 40 odd years and I don’t see them writing in Russian?


[quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:530, topic:22300, full:true”]
The US has fuck all interest in capitalism or democracy…[/quote]

That’s just nonsensical. The US is the #1 capitalist nation on the planet, the whole purpose of capitalism is to eliminate scarcity and lift people out of poverty, something that has been done historically in the entire western world. The occasions where the US has intervened historically in central and south America is when countries are heading down the socialism or communism route, with the inevitable consequences. Capitalism is the only economic system that has a track record of leading to or preserving democracy.

The rise of corporatism and the inevitable inequality it leads to is an entirely different discussion, and one where I think we would have little disagreement.

For guys who like to claim stuff like “X country was a peverted form of socialism, not the real deal!”, claiming cherry picking of assets for mates was capitalism. :laughing:

Every country that has tried socialism properly has failed. The only one close to succeeding which was quasi socialist at best is France. Anyone who claims the Nordic model is socialist doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

It amazes me that the self loathing westerners don’t just fuck off to these socialist paradises.

The continued desperation to blame the US is fucking gas. Corbyn and the likes are too cowardly now to address it after years of telling krusties how great it was.


Oooft, the chef has no answer to that.

Oh look who’s here, the site’s preeminent champagne socialist, agonizing about the plight of the downtrodden proletariat from his leafy D4 suburb.

I’ve got a caring heart mate, I can’t help that.


It’s truly amazing how you bang on about the Brits in Ireland and yet think what the Yanks did and continue to do in Latin America was great.

You talk about 800 years of occupation and the democratic wishes of the Irish people, yet you conveniently overlook the fact that in every election on this island prior to 1918 the voters voted for parties which wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom.

Presumably you feel the same way about the British Empire’s influence on the rest of the world as you do about its influence in Ireland?

Strangely enough, I haven’t ever heard you express such views before, perhaps because you think they might be construed as anti-imperialist, a concept you appear to struggle with given that you now live in a country which has been the greatest imperialist force of the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century.

Why can’t the Venezuelans be more like the Saudis.

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If the US were imperialist it would be occupying at least half the globe, would have stayed and occupied Western Europe and Japan after WWII instead of leaving and contributing massive investment to rebuild both.

What countries does this imperialist US occupy?
You truly are a dimwit.

Modern imperialist’s don’t occupy, they influence.

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For those blaming the price of oil on Venezuela’s demise, the pertinent question is why has it not destroyed the economies of other oil dependent nations, Norway for example? The answer is the oil industry has been destroyed in Venezuela by idiots.

What’s wrong with a bit of influence?

How come Cuba has defied the USA but Venezuela is a basket case because of USA.

Nothing. It works.

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