Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1026347, member: 1786”]A national demonstration against water charges is to take place in Dublin on October 11th.

I’m not sure what can be done at this stage though?[/QUOTE]
And in Limerick afaik. I’ll be there… we defeated these charges in Limerick before and we will defeat the bastards once again. We are a city well versed in the art of war.

How do Irish water read your meter?

We will not pay!

ye are in ye’re holes, the end of the siege of limerick probably ended with a soup taking fcuking relative of yours opening the gates for the Orangemen, it was flooded with English protestant settlers at the time.

on the issue of the water, you’ll pay for it and indeed the hit on your pocket might actually encourage you to use it to wash yourself you filthy limerick louse

[QUOTE=“Kid Chocolate, post: 1028065, member: 553”]ye are in ye’re holes, the end of the siege of limerick probably ended with a soup taking fcuking relative of yours opening the gates for the Orangemen, it was flooded with English protestant settlers at the time.

on the issue of the water, you’ll pay for it and indeed the hit on your pocket might actually encourage you to use it to wash yourself you filthy limerick louse[/QUOTE]

At least I don’t have Reverend Lovejoy’s cum in my eyes.

You’d know all about soupers in Clare alright- The O’Briens, O’Grady’s, McNamara’s.

apparently, the units have a bluetooth capability, so when they drive past your house, or past where your meter is outside, they can remotely get the reading without having to open up the unit.

The ones in the UK have something similar. There is a little black contraption mounted on the outside of properties about half the size of a smoke alarm which they take the reading from with a handheld device


I will be investing in rainwater buttes and a pumping system to flush the jacks.

yellow let it mellow
brown flush it down


would be cheaper


I thought you would have your own well out in your estate in malahideshire pal?..

I do, this is for the hunting lodge

How will they know what my meter was at on the 1st of October?
Will they have driven past every home on that date? Maybe the reading they get includes a daily figure.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1028124, member: 1786”]How will they know what my meter was at on the 1st of October?
Will they have driven past every home on that date? Maybe the reading they get includes a daily figure.[/QUOTE]

no I think they do have to gather the reading at the time of it starting, or so its supposed to be. The fucking idiots installed a meter outside my house, but I have a well. They obviously let the water flow through it though as it had some units recorded on it later on that day so I had to turn it off to make sure it wasnt going to be trying to pump water through it that could be leaking or something.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1028124, member: 1786”]How will they know what my meter was at on the 1st of October?
Will they have driven past every home on that date? Maybe the reading they get includes a daily figure.[/QUOTE]
first six or nine months is assessed charges I think

they also lied about first fix free or left out the small print which is about where leak is and if its on your side of the meter then you get a plumber

not full of confidence as they have been less than transparent

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1028149, member: 2272”]first six or nine months is assessed charges I think

they also lied about first fix free or left out the small print which is about where leak is and if its on your side of the meter then you get a plumber

not full of confidence as they have been less than transparent[/QUOTE]

The woman on the radio said they would fix it on your property?

Do not sign a contract. Do not give your PPS. Refuse to pay-Do not be scared by their bully boy tactics.

This is what happens when you let the IMF in, everything becomes privitized and sold off. This private company is owned by a man that will not pay taxes in Ireland yet expects us to pay for a water charge that you already pay for through VAT. A water charge is fine and most people ar not disputing that, but only a mug would pay for something twice-

Essentially this is just another regressive bondholder tax. As it is we have let the bastards away with too much to date and it’s fucking time we stood up for ourselves as a people. Irish people talk a good game but essentially do nothing, bar the working class, who are then lambasted by the rest as louts and scumbags for what they wear or how they sound while they protest. This government have rowed back on everything they promised and the next shower will do the same until we finally show them that we will not stand for it. This is about more than a water charge really- We face into a few years of commemoration on the horizon, and every cunt will be out claiming how their great grandfather went out and bate ten brits single handedly with nothing but a hurl yet they will stick their head in the ground when it comes to them standing up for themselves and the future generations of this country.

I’ve had enough anyway- maybe some of you are just too old and the submissive attitude of your parents and grandparents is too strong in your psyche to relinquish it- but i’m gonna stand up. The only other alternative is to get out, which I may do yet, as there is no way I want to bring children up in a culture of cowardice.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1028155, member: 168”]Do not sign a contract. Do not give your PPS. Refuse to pay-Do not be scared by their bully boy tactics.

This is what happens when you let the IMF in, everything becomes privitized and sold off. This private company is owned by a man that will not pay taxes in Ireland yet expects us to pay for a water charge that you already pay for through VAT. A water charge is fine and most people ar not disputing that, but only a mug would pay for something twice-

Essentially this is just another regressive bondholder tax. As it is we have let the bastards away with too much to date and it’s fucking time we stood up for ourselves as a people. Irish people talk a good game but essentially do nothing, bar the working class, who are then lambasted by the rest as louts and scumbags for what they wear or how they sound while they protest. This government have rowed back on everything they promised and the next shower will do the same until we finally show them that we will not stand for it. This is about more than a water charge really- We face into a few years of commemoration on the horizon, and every cunt will be out claiming how their great grandfather went out and bate ten brits single handedly with nothing but a hurl yet they will stick their head in the ground when it comes to them standing up for themselves and the future generations of this country.

I’ve had enough anyway- maybe some of you are just too old and the submissive attitude of your parents and grandparents is too strong in your psyche to relinquish it- but i’m gonna stand up. The only other alternative is to get out, which I may do yet, as there is no way I want to bring children up in a culture of cowardice.[/QUOTE]

What crusty forum did you copy that from buddy?


Are you willing to sell your daughter’s* future down the drain, pal? What kind of a country do you want her to grow up in?

*Apologies if you have a son, pal! p.s, hope all is going well?

I was looking for this…


And found this :clap:
